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Internet Business

Yes, it is now the best time to start your own Internet business. Why? Will express their views. Someone, of course, can I protest, saying that today in RuNet do not buy anything, and a whole bunch of competitors. But I have a completely different view on this situation. First, today in RuNet there are hundreds of unoccupied niches. Ask – why I have such information? It's simple. Because I am developing 3D artwork, then quite often I happen on Western websites and observe the activities of their colleagues. Bill O’Grady recognizes the significance of this. So I know what they sell in the west (read – will sell us a couple of years, unless of course you do not do it earlier).

Here are just some of the themes – 'How to prepare for exams in Institute? ',' Secret recipes most famous restaurant meals ',' How not to fly on your mortgage ',' Online Dating ',' How to profitably sell your house? " etc. Secondly, today hosting services fell so that even students nenakladno will open and maintain your site, with second-level domain (. ru,. com, etc.). Third, even if you do not have some technical knowledge and skills in the network, even if all this sounds a dark forest – today This problem is solved rather quickly. For little money, one can buy a comprehensive training course, which due to the method of video-based training, will make of you a pro in a couple of weeks. Fourthly, there are now a huge number of directories with scripts for all occasions.

Designer Clothes

Perfect work should bring money and enjoy life can be expected to "turn up" a job, and you can start your own business and do what you like and how you like it. In this way, went to Irina Ivanishin, which in the past year, together with two friends organized a project "therefore choose a designer, and then the club fashion," My Line ". On how to get started their first business and the attitude to money Ivanishin Irina told us. – We Natalia were the leaders of business groups in the company, "Mayor Kay. Once seated in the office, chatting and came to the conclusion that we have – good, but always win the most are those who start something new. Began to think that would be is to organize what was not yet at least for us. As Natalie herself fashion designers, and we met in his time at fashion week, began to look for something in this area.

Our people love to dress up, but feel that designer clothing – it's expensive. Often, someone has tried something a seamstress to sew, but she ruined the fabric. I, too, so it was. Then buy a ready-made clothes. But the designer and seamstress – two different things. We have many talented designers, about which people do not know. And they do not always have the opportunity to participate in fashion weeks, because it is not cheap. Decided to bring to people, what are the designers we have, what services are offered, in what styles of working.


Opening a small shop in Houses will cost even less. Still, the lower threshold of investment in the capital sector food companies experts say 50 thousand dollars Classification Classifications many formats. For example, a trading house , recently actively developing franchise area, uses the following concepts. The largest number of "cents" works in the format "supermarket" (as it is called in the company). In the press, he is very often referred to as "soft discounter. Floor space of the store – about 700 square meters.

m. In parallel with it two years ago, an outline of the "super-department store." Now there are already four such shops, the area of each – More than 2000 square meters. m. It substantially expanded the group "nonfud" – food and related products. Also today, actively developing a format stores at petrol stations. It is planned that their area of sales area will not exceed 100 square meters. m, and range of foundation products will make impulse demand. Convenient classification format stores operating in the market of food retailing, have come up with the Italians.

According to her the first and largest format – so-called Superstore. What we call the "hypermarket". This is a huge shopping area of over 20,000 square meters. m, in which food group is not less than 50%. Of all presented at the Moscow market stores to this format corresponds to a German Marktkauf (area – 23,500 square meters. m). The following format – it's hypermarkets, such as Auchan. Their symptoms: the area – 000 sq.

Project Summary

Despite the differences, in any business plan, the following main sections: 1. Summary of the project. 2. Model of the project. 3. Investment plan. 4. Operational plan.

5. Marketing plan. 6. Organizational plan. 7. Financial plan.

8. Analysis of the project. 9. Application. 1. Summary of the project. This is an overview of the business, which makes it possible to understand what the company wants to achieve, what its potential is how much money the project will require and how much profit it will bring. This section is drawn up after development of the entire plan. Summary summarizes the forecasts and plans, reasonable and calculated in the following sections. It's safe to say that the business plan is not to be read in full, if the resume will not be interested potential investors or partners. Must be very lucidly set out the mission (stated global objective of the company, proceeding from the need to meet consumer needs) and goals enterprises (projected results of its operations). 2. Model of the project. Development of the structural scheme of the project in the form of aggregated business processes. Implemented as a visual flow chart of commodity, financial, information flows, describing the conditions of supply, production and marketing. As a result, the project proponent should be as close as possible to imagine a project in visual form and to understand how the project will be organized in business environment and geographically (especially important for calculating the logistics of supply of raw materials, equipment, products).