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January Insurance

In recent years, buying an insurance policy was for drivers of this lottery: to get a refund after the accident, many are not coming out. Collection of documents, visits to insurers and calls managers to rob people for a few hours a week, but even the most active customer is not always gets put money in a timely manner. More and more drivers are thinking, but is it worth to have extra problems, especially if it no longer requires the bank Waiting for the promised six months yesterday, most customers of insurance companies that process policies Hull, holders of credit vehicles. Today, as banks have practically ceased to grant loans, and sale in salons fell five times, insurers were on starvation rations. – I got in an accident in mid-October last year – says Kievan Maxim Shilov. – The machine I have a credit, a policy Hull is a prerequisite for the contract, so I'm not worried, hoping that after some time, the company will fix my car. But the crisis did the trick.

Until the new year I fooling, demanding bring that one piece of paper, then another. Added fuel to the fire inspectors, a long time issue certificates of the accident. Then came the holidays – and who in our country at this time work? The active phase of communication began with the January 14. The first thing that surprised me: the complete failure of the insurance company to compensate for repairs on the company's service stations, Although this item appeared in the contract! It is worth noting that such things happened in the past. Rates on the official stations are often a half to two times higher than conventional tehstantsiyah, and the quality of work is no different. Some service stations, without painting its own cameras, sending cars into other projects, and set their own prices.

Here insurers can understand: people do not want to spend the extra money. Many drivers agree. – Next company started to offer me a strange solutions to problems – continues to Maxim. – For example, to pay the difference between the market value of the car and the sum insured. Or repair the car and sell it and pay me the balance. In this case the uk does not even indication to date repair and sales, although it can happen as a month and a year later. Naturally, I refused the offer. Giving the nod to fix in the workshop of the company, I was hoping that the money I will list in period. But insurance lasted until March, explaining that the dollar is constantly changing and they did not go up calculation. But the managers admitted to me that the company simply has no money. The result is up for five months, and My wrecked car so still no one to do.

Excellent Sustainability Report

Environmental and social sustainability an integral part of the business plan as the first provider of forest investment in Germany ForestFinance presented a sustainability report. Since formation, climate and environmental protection, social responsibility and fair working conditions are cornerstones of our corporate philosophy. In its first sustainability report, the Bonn party of sustainable forest investments shows how governance in an international company can succeed. On the ecologically and socially sustainable investment products of the ForestFinance trust group in Germany over 8,000 customers. Over 3,500 hectares of forest are managed sustainably in Panama and Viet Nam. ForestFinance among other things was the only German company with the “FSC Global Partner Award” awarded in the field of “Financial Services”. FSC is the world’s most famous “eco-labelling” for environmentally and socially responsible forestry. Sustainability report and business report as a means of transparency: “transparency is an important issue for us,” all divisions pulls”so Harry Aboagye, Managing Director of the ForestFinance group.

“Since 2004 we alternate our customers therefore send forestry and activity reports. 2010, we have made a further step with the annual publication of our key ratios. “The sustainability report brings us the target of a possible transparent presentation of the overall Group again closer.” This commitment was recognized by the Institute for ecological economy research (IoW) 2011 characterized the report to one of the best 40 sustainability reports in small and medium-sized companies of in Germany in a preliminary assessment. The final evaluation will take place in 2012. Sustainability and social responsibility begin in our own company: Although ForestFinance also outside the company for non-profit initiatives such as a water supply project and a tropical forest trail engaged in Panama, is the focus of the report on sustainability within the company. According to Assenmacher has its reason: “we support non-profit organizations in the project regions with donations, in addition we are committed locally, for example in environmental education.


So you avoid the temptation to spend it to you what I said in the first paragraph. Buy land: maybe you have to save a lot of that extra little money to do so, but a friend bought land in his native Bolivia for only 2000 USD. He was traveling to his plot, towards a barbeque under the trees and is returning. He had nothing built and expected to be able to do something with him. If didn’t it, the worst thing that could have happened to him It was having to sell the parcel, but by an amount greater than what he paid. My advice: Although many times is not, if you have an area that you want to buy and does not reach you that money, encourages another person with the same objectives as your and choose to buy it; they can divide it later in case of problems.

Tools for working on what excites you: If your hobby is gardening, why not buy some tools and offer this service to friends and colleagues? So you’d have an extra money for something that you love to do. You like taking pictures and love taking portraits of people, then buy a good camera, a few good lenses and flashes to start taking photos to your family for a modest sum. As to the best in any skill you have, you can increase the value of your work. Sounds interesting, isn’t it? This is the secret of my mother, whom I love very much: she has made birthday cakes for at least 1000 people in your life. If each cake had a gain of $10, we were speaking of 10000 USD that in 30 years It had become about 20000 USD (considering as example 50 cakes by year X 20 years X 7% interest in the Bank). Example of my German friend and photography.

What are those areas where you spend your money and that can generate value over time, or perhaps give you a slight gain? Share it with us at seguridad-financiera. Closing I would like to invite you to write me your comments about what excites them in your life, maybe you could to guide them to achieve a simple way of getting some extra income. Many times what is needed is a little imagination, because you desire and passion already exists. Or is not so?

Financial Group

After fulfilling his sentence, it left to Florida where another equal fraud tried, but its fame already had extended the nation, was shortage and arrested again. It fled to Brazil where it died in the absolute poverty the 18 of January of 1949. REPLICAS IN NUEVO LEO’N The newspaper The Wall Street Journal published that one of the families affected by the Ponzi-Madoff Scheme was the Clariond King. With surprise, the news was denied by Eugene Clariond Kings Retana, older brother of the family and ex- President of the Council of Group IMSA. It does not know from where it left that rumor taken like the news by the important metropolitan newspaper.

The Clariond family has enormous cash after the sale of Group IMSA to its cousins the Clariond Channels in 800 million dollars. Same the Channels later sold the company to thousand 700 million dollars a year. The financial newspaper the Weekly magazine of the City of Mexico publishes until a photography of Fernando Clariond Channels to illustrate the information. Both families were lost tens of millions of dollars in Caso Abacus-Trust. The President of the missing Financial Group, Jorge Lankenau Rocha was in the jail seven years. Regiomontanos investors are lost important amounts of money but in bags like the one of Moscow that it had an important rise in the past decade but turned out to be a speculative bubble that collected losses to them by 700 million dollars. CASE IRIGOYEN Jose Irigoyen Villarreal the Count offered interests higher than the banks in his businesses of used vehicles Flaming Cars and Cars BRITE, in the city of Monterrey, N.L. More than 2 thousand 500 defrauded fueros people reason why apprehension orders were turned.

He was fugitive during three months and was apprehended in San Antonio, Texas. Deportee went and went to stop to the jail in March of 1993. The accomplices of Irigoyen were their mother-in-law, her wife Juana Idalia Sources Lozano and their secretary. The fraud calculated in 50 billions of pesos (before clearing three zero to him to the weights). Ponzi and Madoff happen to the black history of the criminals of white neck who were true artists of the fraud, although both were in the open. One thinks that more frauds exist than they will be leaving throughout this year since it has predicted it the Nobel prize de Economa, Paul Krugman. Published in the RegioNegocios magazine of the city of Monterrey, N.L., Mexico in January of the 2009. It can use the present article if it mentions the source. Original author and source of the article.

The Intervention

They are considered and they elaborated laws, regulations and punitive norms. Specialized jobs and repressive are created to fight the fenmeno. They are condemned, in public square, with breaking of the right to the good-name and the swaggerer of innocence, until test in the opposite; the most elementary rights to counsel of the accused arguidos ones in such situations are infringed. A true one is instituted hunts to the man and/or the group nicknamed corrupt. At last, on behalf of the moralizao of the regimen, the dignificao of the institutions and the escape to any ' ' coisa' ' , normally, to taxes, everything will be possible to become, including the intromission in the private life of the people. The other side of the question has not been argued. That reasons, reasons, causes and arguments can be in the attempt of justification of such fenmeno, called for corruption? Somebody thought that some of the causes that could be underlying are the inaqualities: social, econmica, politics, educative and others? What the negative discrimination, between citizens of one same native land, natural or in it resident, that they serve master the same, but that they do not benefit of the same exemptions and privileges, can be, also one of the origins of this situation? E, conceptual, who is corrupt and who is corruptor? which of the papers is more serious? The popular notion points with respect to all the person and/or group that receives values material, only favors special, privileges, in exchange for a service, of an influence, of a favorable decision, given to another one that, legally, it would not have right, gratifying in exchange that one that gave such service to it. as if would classify, the legislator, the executive, the politician and the citizen who decides for a person, group or institution, to receive benefits, in this in case that legal, but that the generality of the population does not have? Then, as if it can condemn, how many times in the public square, those that, feeling victims of an injustice, incompreendidos and badly remunerated, receive, without demanding, one arrest, a benefit, a monetary attention, of who it was, directa or indirectamente, favored? The democracy alone if fortifies well with formed citizens, in all its possible dimensions, special those that exert public offices in the diverse organisms and institutions of the power central politician, regional and local, any that are the intervention areas.

Wall Street

As who steals an atomic bomb and not known to detonate it, it can become a useless artifact. Certain conditions are needed: servers must be interconnected to few meters of the bags (bags for rent these spaces, and the bid by them is fierce, becoming exquisite gains for those bags), must count on a given platform (electronic receipt of financial information, with automatic creation of orders routed in microseconds). In addition, these codes have an expiration time: while overall the HFT strategies remain through time, the micro-estrategias more shortsighted vary constantly: mathematical correlations are changing with the dynamics of the market and the codes should be adjusted. Under high volatility, the relations of these strategies can just take seconds. Or that Aleynikov was raised with a code that will not you already serve to A lot. Competitors who get these secret codes can cause you to lose the owner firm million dollars. You can follow the strategy or play him against, ruining the initial strategy. Volatility lately generated these years is the product of the operatory with algorithms.

And that volatility is absorbed by investors common, resulting in losses in their portfolios. We have a way of defending ourselves of these algorithms that generate the manipulation of the market. Firstly, the actions that are tradeadas by these programs are increased liquidity, the blue chips. We can avoid them and dump us medium and low capitalization. Another way is using investment as fundamental analysis tools and following the soundness of companies in the medium or long term to invest, as well as technical analysis, seeing the dynamic behavior of the market in real time, carefully following volumes and prices. The HFT can have a devastating effect on those who do daytrading (i.e.

opening and closing positions in) (minutes or on the day), not on those who operate long-term. Being alert and following these guidelines of investment, we can earn Wall Street strategists. When here beat them means just that the HFT does not ruin our portfolio. Until next Friday, Paola Pecora – our subscribers earn 17% bag who subscribed to our newsletter of Global value investment in July, have already a 17% profit, having covered several times the cost of the newsletter. One of the latest recommended last week, has risen 20 percent, is one of the largest retailers of USA. And most importantly: this company has much more margin of suba, and double its current value in the coming months. You want to know what, as well as the rest of the Global value portfolio and benefit from the recommended which will soon depart for the month of September?