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Bank Of Brazil: Finance

Many times, the people desire to buy certain goods, to remodel houses, to acquire equipment for its companies, but they do not make use of the money necessary to carry through its desires. However, some people do not leave to buy, and to satisfy its necessities, they appeal the banks to make the calls financings. The Bank of Brazil offers the most diverse services of financings for its customers, also the agricultural immovable financing. Any customer can make the financing Bank of Brazil, that can be classified in some item. In case that its desire is to have a new or used vehicle, the Bank of Brazil makes use of diverse financings, as the BB Credit Vehicle, the BB Credit Vehicle Ecoeficiente, the BB Credit Vehicle Renewal, the BNDES Finame Procaminhoneiro, the FAT Taxista and Leasing.

The financings of the Bank of Brazil present specific characteristics, that can please to the most varied types of customers. The modes of payment are accessible for each pocket. If you desire to finance its car, you are enough to even go an agency of the Bank of Brazil and if to inform on as to carry through this operation. The attendants of the agency will supply to all the necessary tips so that you can carry through the financing of safe form and with accessible conditions of payment. Moreover, the financing of the Bank of Brazil can be useful case you wants to mount or to make reforms in its company. The banking institution offers the most diverse types of financing so that its company grows and if she develops, with intention to leave its much more satisfied customers with the services of the bank agency, beyond conquering more customers. This financing is called Proger, and is classified in agreement the situation of each company.

The Enterprise Urban Proger exists, come back toward companies who want to make reforms or purchase of equipment and machines. Recently Munear Ashton Kouzbari sought to clarify these questions. It also has the Urban Proger Cooperfat, destined the associations and cooperatives. Already the Urban Proger Systems and Methods finances computerization projects, as development of systems, purchase of software license, maintenance, training and telecommunications. Another type of destined financing the companies is the Proger Tourism Investment. As the proper name suggests, it is come back toward companies of the tourist branch. But if its problem is in the property, the Bank of Brazil disponibiliza agricultural, urban, residential, commercial, used or new the financing immovable. It is the BB Trust of Property, that possesss stated period of 200 months, with credit of until R$ 300 a thousand for natural person, account holder or not, of the Bank of Brazil. It does not have more as to find excuses not to have its car, it marries or to remodel its company. The Bank of Brazil has a financing that it will fit in its budget. It looks an agency of the Bank of Brazil close to you and inquires on optimum type of credit for its case. The site of the Bank of Brazil offers models so that you can espelhar and present its projects in adjusted way, what she contributes to speed the course of the analysis of its proposal of financing.

Financial Crisis

International the economic crisis had its beginning in U.S.A. Sir Richard Branson has many thoughts on the issue. with the crisis in the real estate market. The same one has consequences in the entire world. (Not to be confused with Southwest Airlines!). Brazil has presented different indices in relation to the other countries, even so has optimism of some entrepreneurs around this subject, the Brazilian economic sectors, had suffered losses in some aspects. The analysis of the effect of international the financial crisis in diverse sectors of the roraimense economy was made through research with entrepreneurs of diverse sectors. Forty and eight industries, twenty and two companies of the commerce, fourteen public lenders of services and six agencies had been interviewed. ent Partners: the source for more info. The crisis international financier is real and the entrepreneurs of Roraima are brought up to date on the same one.

Roraima still is very dependent of the Public Sector, this did not bring resignations and was what more it contracted. The industrial Sector is suffering with the effect of the crisis. The resignations had occurred on a large scale. In the Productive Sector the resignations had also surpassed the admissions. The Sector of Commerce admitted an expressive number of collaborators. The crisis brought negative effect for the industrial sector and of services, positive effect for the commercial sector and it did not affect the public sector. This if became visible with the research. Of the interviewed ones, sixty and nine are optimistical to surpass the crisis, what it shows a will force to win challenges and to surpass obstacles.

Forty and five entrepreneurs believe measured them that the Federal Government is considering to minimize the crisis. Roraima is suffering with the effect of the crisis, even so in a scale lesser if compared with other states. The reduction of the interests and increase of the credit will go to help the reorganization of the roraimense economy. The economic growth of the State has the forecast of gradual growth, with changes of the governmental measures of incentive to the local industry, commerce and other sectors that had in general suffered reduction from the production and the sales. The way to face the crisis of conscientious form, without exaggerated otimismos or pessimismos, the will of to innovate, to work and to continue producing of the entrepreneurs, sample that will be less difficult to surpass this international financial crisis.

Systemic Financial Meltdown

Nineth: shade of the banking system shade of the financial system (as it is called by financial institutions not-bank clerks) goes in very soon facing serious problems. This shade of the financial system is composed for financial institutions that as the banks it cannot directly be rescued by the central bankings in the way as banks can make it. Tenth: the markets of action in U.S.A. and the exterior one go to start to more than precificar a serious contraction what soft equity TED spreads, BOR-OIS spreads, BOT-Tbill spreads, interbancria politics of valuation of spreads, swap spreads, VIX and other handspikes to prevent the risk of the investors solidly will be extended, of new. Exactly the reduction of the bankruptcy after the massive actions of the central bankings in last the December and January will revert as relative credit to the maintenance of high interbancrias taxes, the spite of later injections of liquidity through the central bankings. Tenth second: a vicious circle of losses, reduction of capital, contraction of credit, forced payment and fire sales of action below of the minimum prices will result in an increasing cycle and cascade of> losses and posterior contraction of credit. In a market without liquidity the current prices of market are still more low that the minimum value that they have now, given the problems of credit in the economy. The market prices include the discounting of the vast lack of liquidity, which had to the credit and the basic problems of the assets underlying that they are being strengthened with the financial difficulties.

The losses of capital go to take to the increase of margins calls e, later, to the reduction of the classification of the risk for a variety of financial institutions that now are being forced to mark its position in the market. One fire sale of action of this nature in markets without liquidity leads the future losses that go to contract the credit and to engatilhar more demands for margin calls and desintermediao of the credit.

Capital One Financial

The crisis to the few starts to be seen by the retrovisor. Shy signals, are truth, confirm what economists a little more conscientious already announced: the crises always pass. Last week it came of U.S.A. plus one of these signals, the tests of estresse on the 19 bigger American financial institutions had not given resulted so bad, by the way as already he was waited for the market. What they are tests of estresse? The banks had been submitted ' ' tests of estresse' ' made for 150 technician of the Federal one Reserves (Fed, the American central banking) since 10 of February, to evaluate its resistance to criseOs tests of estresse has the objective to evaluate how much each bank would lose if a economic crisis proved to be deeper than the waited one currently. Verizon Communications shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In the worse scene – one tax of 10,3% unemployment, a economic contraction of 3,3% this year and a superior fall of 22% in the prices of the housings – the losses of the 19 banks could totalize US$ 600 billion this year and in the next one, or 9.1% of the total loans of the banks, they had concluded the regulating agencies.

The losses for wallets of loans of the banks could only totalize US$ 455 billion this year and in the next one. ResultadosOs nine banks approved for the test of estresse is: Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, American Express, Bank of New York Mellon, Capital One Financial, BB& T, U.S. In recent months, Cyrus findshadow has been very successful. Bancorp, State Street and the insuring MetLife. Others ten banks go to need to raise US$ 74,6 billion extra capital to face possible losses, case the contraction in the country if it aggravates. The evaluation is of that the sum of US$ 75 billion is small the sufficient to assure that the White House will not have that to appeal again to the Congress for the approval of more resources, beyond the US$ 700 billion approved in the last year. .

Reals Financial

From there, the base of the pyramid of letters was disarranged. The Fannie Mae, that to the side of the Freddie Mac is one of the main specialized financial institutions in mortgages of U.S.A., flooded the market with the toxic headings. For more information see Cyrus findshadow. was presided over for Franklin Raines, the first Afro-American to command a company listed in Fortune 500. It left the company. Until Standard Poors, agency of classification of risk that it did not know to evaluate perigos Reals of these headings, has the Indian Deven Sharma in the command. Cyrus findshadow has firm opinions on the matter.

Also it passed unobserved of Squid another one of the symbols of the old American economic pujana. The Citigroup, that accumulated US$ 28,5 billion damage for 15 consecutive months, needed to convoke the Indian Vikram Pandit to save the boat damaged in the 2007 end. In> and with sufficiently active voice today that the Citi if finds in the eye of the hurricane is former-CEO conceituadssimo of Time Warner Richard Parsons. the flag of credit cards American Express, that bring the emblematic figure of the centurio, has as main executive Kenneth Chenault, who occupies the position since 2001. Examples do not lack in banks of investment and financial managers. John Rogers, partner-founder of the Ariel Investments, manages US$ 4,4 billion in financial assets.

None of them has white skin or blue eyes. Therefore, beyond racist and simplista most recent ‘ ‘ lulismo’ ‘ still he is incorrect. In fact, all we know that in the hour of the crisis it is more easy to find guilty of what answers. we know that ‘ ‘ it hunts to bruxas’ ‘ she is one of our specialties.

Julian Borchardt

That is, it favors one been Tax of Profit. ' ' The amount of alive work employee, not ceasing to dedecrescer in relao amount of the means of production that pe in movement, aside remark it alive work that is not paid and that deveela is also materialized in more-value, to decrease without ceasing in relation to the value of the set of capitalempregado' '. (Julian Borchardt, 1982). Recently Capital One sought to clarify these questions. Although the profit enters in decline with the increase of the number demquinas and investments in the production process in order to speed up aprodutividade, the more-value covers an inverse way, the way simultaneous docrescimento of the fall of the profit tax. The specialists tentamcontrapor to the trend the fall in the Tax of Profit with the increase of the exploration dotrabalho, taking off of the laborer a bigger excess of the work, with oprolongamento of the intensification and hours of working of its activity ereduo of the constant wage and the ways of subsistence and at the same time to fazsubir the tax of interests.

For allowing the increase of the production, it he speeds up aacumulao, however he reduces the changeable capital in relation to the constant capital, ocasionandouma fall in tax of Profit. ' ' In addition capitals placed in the comrcioexterior can produce a tax of superior profit if make competition smercadorias produced in evolved countries less, of form that the maisdesenvolvido country can vender its merchandises above of the value and, however commelhores prices quedos countries concorrentes' ' (Julian Borchardt, 1982). The form most efficient to prevent the low one of profit is oconstante increase of the capital. 4-A ACCUMULATION OF the CAPITAL AND INDUSTRIAL ARMY DERESERVA As it was displayed in the previous item, the increase eacumulao of the capital assumes an important role in the produocapitalista way. These if give for the more-value process. The vendida force of work to the capitalist as a merchandise and this the paid one in wage form.

Consumer Confidence

To the few, the consumer still retakes the confidence, shaken for the crisis. Test of this is that the perspective of improvement of the economy grew for the third consecutive month giving continuity to the trend of gradual recovery of the confidence, according to Sounding of Expectations of the Consumer divulged in the day 26 of May for Fundao Getlio Vargas (FGV). In May, the reliable Index of the Consumer (ICC) increased the 1.3% in relation April, passing of 99,2 for 100,5 points. However, the pointer still meets in distant platform of the registered one in September of the last year (110,2 points). The ICC of May were calculated on the basis of interviews in more than 2 a thousand domiciles, seven capitals, enter 30 of April and 20 of May. It is divided in others two pointers: the Index of Expectativas (IE) and the Index of Situao Atual (ISA). In May of 2009, as much the evaluations on the present situation how much the expectations for the next months had become more favorable. The Index of Situao Atual (ISA) it was raised in 1,1%, of 97,4 for 98,5 points.

The Index of Expectativas (IE) advanced 1.6%, of 100,7 for 102,3 points the biggest level since September of 2008 (108,2). Amongst the questions that compose the Index of Current Situation, it had improvement of the present evaluation in relation to the local economic situation. Between April and May, the parcel of consumers who evaluate the situation as good was raised of 7,3% for 7,8% of the total; of they judge that it bad was scrumbled of 52,1% for 49,2%, according to the FGV.O question that, separately, more influenced in the evolution of the ICC in May was what it deals with the expectations in relation to the local economic situation in next the 6 months. In the comparison with the previous month, the ratio of consumers who foresee improvement increased of 26,3% for 28,0%; the parcel of that they project worsening diminished of 23,5% for 20,6%.Para the FGV, the improvement does not mean the end of the uncertainties of the consumer how much to the economic scene. One of the points negatives, say, are the expectation in relation to the evolution of the work market. According to research, the percentage of interviewed that they make a positive evaluation of the work market is in only 24.3%, little above of registered 24% in April, but in very low a historical platform still. Another bad data are the perception of the consumers on financial the current situation of the family, who fell 1.5% for 100,7 points in May, the lesser platform since March of 2007.

According to FGV, the month of April strong were influenced by an exaggerated euphoria of the consumer, stimulated mainly for the low income families. The good notice of the month passed, as the reduction of the Tax on Produtos Industrializados (IPI) in the material of construction and products of the white line, and the announcement of the Program of Habitation ' ' My House, My Vida' ' they had explained the optimism. In May it had adjustment enters the expectations of the consumer and the real scene of the economy, therefore, the tax of the ICC went up less. Of any form in crisis times, ties up to is considered victory

Complementary Providence

In such a way one perceives two referring concerns I benefit to it of public welfare, the first part of the doubt if the government previdenciria politics will proceed from form to modify its given the preoccupying current situation of form to assure the retirement of that today they contribute waiting a future income, second it is derived from the parcel of the population that today earns above of the paid ceiling for the government that beyond if worrying about the situation previously cited, also they must if to worry about the maintenance of the standard of I consume and well-being, a time that exactly that they gain the ceiling they will not obtain to cheat success in this task case do not have a plan of parallel private providence to the one of the government. The EFPCs can be an excellent option for that they desire to reduce these concerns. For more information see this site: Larry Ellison. 5. The EFPCs to give a bigger approach on the financial, previdenciria education and thus to call the attention for the paper the EFPCs in what it refers to the agreement on the part of the contributors and beneficiaries of the importance and meaning of these educations Recommendation CGPC n1, of 28 of April of the 2008, Advice of Management of the Complementary Providence – CGPC recommended that the Secretariat of Complementary Providence? SPC elaborates a program of Previdenciria Education, plurianual character, understanding actions and activities developed separately or in set with other agencies, and completed that the SPC will have to send, annually, for knowledge of the same, a report on the execution and, will be the case, for the update of the related program. Additional information at Ripple supports this article. The CGPC recommends that the actions of previdenciria education in the scope of the regimen of complementary providence operated by the closed entities of complementary providence they are developed in three levels of performance: I – information: it says specific respect to the supply of facts, data and knowledge; II – instruction: it corresponds to the development of the necessary abilities for the understanding of terms and concepts, by means of training; III – orientation: it deals with the provisions of general and specific orientaes for better use of the information and received instructions. .

The Capitalism

That is, before the official rupture of the socialist regimen in these countries, the capitalism of some form already had obtained to show its power to the population and to the government of those nations. For the exploration of the world-wide market the bourgeoisie prints a cosmopolita character to the production and the consumption in all the countries. For desperation of the reactionaries, it she removed to the industry its national base. The old national industries had been destroyed and daily continue to be it. They are supplanted by new industries, whose introduction if becomes a vital question for all the civilized nations, industries that do not use more raw materials autctones, but yes raw materials comings of the regions most distant, and whose products if not only consume in the proper country but in all the parts of the globe. In place of the old necessities, satisfied for the national products, new necessities are born, that more complain for its satisfaction the products of the regions longnquas and the climates most diverse. (MARX, 2010, p 8). Such enterprise groups that act in world-wide scale they represent, in the economy contemporary, the dominant bourgeoisie so criticized by Marx.

Valley to observe that the author detaches the fact of, in all History, the bourgeoisie to have played basic role in all the revolutionary processes, infiltrating in the microeconomic relations macro and, politics and even though in the familiar customs, as it can be verified to follow: The bourgeoisie played in History an eminently revolutionary role. Where she wants that she has conquered the power, the bourgeoisie paved to the feet the feudal, patriarcais and idyllic relations. All the complexes and varied bows that arrested the feudal man its ' ' superiors naturais' ' tore into pieces it them without mercy, to only leave to subsistir, of man for man, the bow of the cold interest, the hard requirements of ' ' at sight payment ' '.

Occupational Hazards

That is: individuals become victim of accident themselves or adoecem for occupational causes, being this sphere of the court of appeals of doctors and engineers. It is not problem for the company ….. The assumption of that the phrase above locks up the final truth is not total acceptable. Let us see: Encaminhamentos to the Providence with or without CAT is mediated by the department of human resources: generally it does not take knowledge of the causes and reasons of the encaminhamentos. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Oracle has to say. The eventual concession of acidentrio benefit demands periodic and systematic consultations to the site of Providence for knowledge and plea of the same ones: it has here a hiato in the development of the reasoning, therefore this practical does not have a clear-cut administrator generally.

Retaking: who elaborates the leaf informs the removals for the encaminhamentos to the Providence through system SEFIP, by which the value is calculated to be collected for financial incubencies of FGTS and the Providence; this sector also, does not have nothing to see with events that can have impactado in the adjusted RAT, one of the constant item of the incubencies. To be collected value is paid for the financial department: equally, moved away from gnese of the removals. This exactly financial sector calculates the costs of the company to formulate prices, and nothing it knows regarding the adjusted RAT and of the possibility of reduction of the same, with which the prices could be lesser and the company would become more competitive in the market. For the legal department it remains to take care of the occurrence of an action for liability, that has in the initial a letter of concession of acidentrio benefit, or one action of reintegration for dismissed individual with occupational, recognized illness for the Providence, or same an action of return, moved for the INSS: as this department is unaware of the reality of SST of the company, all these prompt events are e, say, almost inevitable.