Nevertheless, in 1906 the greatest strike of Mexico exploded in Cananea, precursor of the Mexican Revolution. A year later, the ferrocarrilero Jesus Garci’a Crown offered its life to save the town of Nacozari of a dynamite explosion. By then Francisco I. Log was against to general Porfirio Diaz and aspired to the presidency in 1910. When failing he triggered the Mexican Revolution, whose followers in Sonant were Jose Maria Maytorena, Salvador Alvarado, Youngest child G. Hill, Alvaro Obregn, Plutarco Elas Streets, Adolph of the Kitchen garden, among others. After the murder of president Madero in February of 1913, the governor of Coahuila, Venustiano Carranza, took refuge in Sonant and headed the Constitutionalist Movement, thus Hermosillo was the revolutionary capital of the country until March of the following year. Supported in the sonorenses and sinaloenses arms, he took the City of Mexico in August of 1914, with Alvaro Obregn to the front like unconquered general.

The sonorense group rebelled itself against president Carranza by means of the Dark Water Plan in April of 1920. This group took the control from the country and took to the presidency to Adolph of the Kitchen garden (1920), Alvaro Obregn (1920-1924) and Plutarco Elas Streets (1924-1928), that took firm steps for the national reconstruction. In 1929 the Renovadora, headed by the followers of assassinated elect president Alvaro Obregn comes the called revolt. The later governments established the bases for remodeling of Sonant, that became grain of Mexico in the middle of the last century, with means million irrigated hectares. Similar relevance had the cattle ranch. Already in years 60, the important industry arose in Walnuts assembly plant. In the 80, the investment of Planta Ford in Hermosillo, let grow the economy of the State, while the tourist industry expanded to our mountain range and the coast. Regional products Sonorenses original Author and source of the article.