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Global Financial Markets

Interview with Christopher Eichler of the PP brokerage GmbH only with the ‘ stock management L / S in the chili-assets database for managed accounts represent PP brokerage account evidence provided in September for another investment strategy. Our audit confirmed the product an excellent chance risk profile. We ask: when Christopher Eichler, the PP brokerage GmbH, what hides just behind the managed account PP-Warrior A? Mr. Eichler, what hides behind the martial-sounding name of PP-Warrior A? Christopher Eichler: PP-Warrior A is part of a managed account strategy, where in contrast to our other managed accounts a slightly more aggressive approach. To generate a maximum of profit to the customers, advisors tracked in the medium and long term with appropriate risk.

The name symbolizes the consistent performing of the Tradingideen and the acceptance of such risks. Who in your home is the responsible retailer of PP-Warrior A strategy and how its expertise from? C. Eichler: As a long successful trader, Marc Wilhelms directs this last highly successful product. The product range of PP-Warrior stands for a spekulativeren approach, which was already tested and implemented over several years. This not only the market expertise is crucial, but also a sophisticated money management. Which are the favored target markets by PP-Warrior A and which investment vehicles are used? C.

Eichler: PP-Warrior A has no specific target markets or investment instruments. There is a global”trading approach. Where the dealer sees opportunities, these are under a range of different instruments, such as futures, options, stocks, Forex, etc, and free time horizon. Thus, it is ensured that the investment strategy from the history of one or more markets is dependent on. What is the trading strategy specifically? Are the investment decisions made on the basis of which analyses? And what time horizons in the analysis and in relation to the duration of the trade are commercially important? C.

Nam Investment

In the face of increasing demand for declining stocks, the prospects are brilliant. The EU wood regulation in force that prohibits the trade in illegally harvested timber enters also from 3rd March 2013. Experts consistently with legal ailing commercial timber price increase. Due to the fast-growing middle and upper classes of the 2.5 billion populous countries China and India expects a disproportionate increase in price of teak wood. Pure forest has over 400 hectares of different old teak surfaces, which are up to 17 years old. A naturally growing asset investment which is suitable for inflation protection. Forest fund forest investment with excellent prospects: Forest fund is mostly to closed-end funds, where the paid-up capital will be invested in the acquisition and management of forests. Investors can only while this forest fund of Join the placement period.

After sufficient equity has been raised, the forest fund is closed. A forest fund investors involved then as a limited partner or shareholder in a company, which can lead to additional payments by the forest fund artist sustained losses. In the pure forest, this payment in the worst case maximum 10 percent is limited. Closed forest funds require a prospectus approved by the BFin, where the essential details of the investment and the legal and fiscal framework conditions are described. Because of the high legal and administrative overhead, the minimum investment amounts of forest fund is usually two-digit euro thousands amounts, so much higher than, for example, when the forest direct investments BaumSparVertrag (360 euros) or GreenAcacia (2,250 euros). So far, barely a forest fund has invested in FSC certified forests. Environmental and social standards are not respected accordingly or may be claimed comply with is not checked by external third parties.

Unlike when at the pure Forest fund invest forest fund therefore usually wholly or mainly in species-poor monocultures of non-native species. Forest fund pure forest 1 Overview: drawing a minimum amount: 5,000 euros plus 5% premium. Planned period of participation: about 14 years, up to the 31.12.2026. First income of forest fund: from year 5 onwards. Progn. Total return funds: 275% of the deposit. Financing of the forest fund: entirely by equity. Plan size of the forest fund: 7.800.000 euro maximum detention amount: 10% of the subscribed capital. Information under: About ForestFinance: The ForestFinance group manages a total 16,000 hectares of ecological agroforestry and forest in Latin America (Panama, Colombia and Peru), Asia (Viet Nam). She specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. ForestFinance awarded Global Award in the field of “Financial Services” partner as the only company worldwide with the FSC. FSC is a label for environmentally and socially sustainable forestry. Interested parties can choose between different products at ForestFinance and invest in different models of sustainable tropical forestry: at the BaumSparVertrag for monthly 33 euro 12 trees per year planted and harvested after 25 years. The WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 of tropical forest with return guarantee. For investors who wish to replant 10,000 m2 with option on real estate, WoodStockInvest is the right product. CacaoInvest is an investment in fine cocoa and wood, with possible annual payouts already from the second year. GreenAcacia is a forest investment with only seven years total term and annual payouts. Pure forest 0I is a sustainable forest fund with only 14 years maturity and early recoveries. For more information, see

Christmas Construction

Determine loan rates – properly calculate – get funding you have the decision made, to build himself a House, it is usually to the big question, how to finance the construction of the House. What type of home loan you should take advantage of, but also how the construction interest rates higher, when it comes to the topic of real estate, is not decisive in the episode. Before one makes a decision, it applies all around to inform themselves and to get practical financial tips. At a construction project, you should pay attention on different aspects and exploit all credit facilities which are suitable. The first step should be first to explore one’s own financial possibilities for the financing of the construction to determine loan rates.

This means that we must first calculate a sum, which is refundable per month for the loan rates. To calculate this sum completely serious and to be honest with himself, is important, because the numbers may be fined under no circumstances. Some payments are gladly forget, such as the Example the annual insurance premium, new acquisitions, and much more. After all, it can be that you eventually need a new car or must wear similar additional costs. The correct sum is established, you can request without obligation at different banks, to learn of credit for the financing of the construction can be as high. What relates to the request, so you can be as interested simply either all the information by mail to send or researched on the Internet. Calculate correctly at the beginning, it comes to find out what sums of money for the home loan must be taken into account. So white you, how much money has one month available and can count at first approx.

6% lease, because this amount for a short calculation initially sufficient. Would you apply for a loan for real estate, it comes that this is due not only for a short period of time, but must run for many years. This means that you should calculate not too close. So it should be a bit in the Future look with regard to different maturities. This can take between 15-25 years. Also you should not make the mistake, to plan a Christmas bonus and holiday pay for the loan rates, because these additional income opportunities should be seen rather as a buffer. After all, always unforeseen burdens can arise when electrical appliances are broken or a car repair is to pay. Also you should study carefully the so-called construction interest development of different options for a construction loan, to obtain an approximate forecast. To estimate the costs of the construction, you can figure out for example a price per square metre. So, we come to a realistic conclusion. Some banks offer a free special software that is suitable for the calculation of the costs of a construction project. Inquire about funding compared to different loans, should get more information about any promotions. They rely on most of the energetic quality of the House, or the number Children, when the promotion of the country. Therefore, it is early enough with the promotion authority to contact to learn more. As a result, it is worth about a solar power system, to think about pellet heating or heat pump heating.


The entire ecological and forstfachliche concept is based on the over 15-year experience of ForestFinance. Many BaumSparer were convinced in the past ten years by the concept of sustainable forest directly on-site. As well as the ForestFinance-customer wife Voigt, in October 2012 the surfaces in las Lajas (Panama) visited: I pronounce my full respect and appropriate confidence in the work of ForestFinance to this project. A thank you to the many hardworking people who work and contribute to a sustainable management of the tropical rain forest.” For more information and the anniversary event calendar, see 2013. About ForestFinance: The ForestFinance group manages a total 16,000 hectares of ecological agroforestry and forest in Latin America (Panama, Colombia and Peru), Asia (Viet Nam). She specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. ForestFinance awarded Global Award in the field of “Financial Services” partner as the only company worldwide with the FSC.

FSC is a label for environmentally and socially sustainable forestry. Interested parties can choose between different products at ForestFinance and invest in different models of sustainable tropical forestry: in the BaumSparVertrag a tree per month are planted for 33 euro per month each. The WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 of tropical forest with return guarantee. For investors who wish to replant 10,000 m2 with option on real estate, WoodStockInvest is the right product. CacaoInvest is an investment in fine cocoa and wood, with possible annual payouts already from the second year. GreenAcacia is a forest investment with only seven years total term and annual payouts. Pure forest 0I is a sustainable forest fund with only 14 years maturity and early Recoveries. For more information, see

Supervisory Board

INFINUS AG financial services institution presents successful annual Dresden, March 2013:’s annual main meeting held early February in Dresden the INFINUS AG financial services institution could draw a positive balance. The INFINUS AG financial services institution can look back on an another successful business year 2011/2012. Both the revenue and business partners numbers have continued to rise. Also the expansion of the INFINUS continues Academy. The INFINUS group reported the results of the annual general meeting, where also a new Member of the Supervisory Board was elected. The official adoption of the annual financial statements showed that last business year 2011/2012 in comparison to the previous year’s figures have improved once again. As of the date on June 30, 2012, revenues amounted to 21,79 million euros and could increase therefore compared to the previous year once again by 20 percent. Also, the INFNUS could win more business partners with contractual connection group.

Their number increased in the past year by 751 on 807 and put recently again too, so there are now 850. Last but not least also the assets took under control”with 47% they rose by almost half (of 558 million euros in the previous year to 820 million euros). The presented figures forgotten 2012 half the 10-year anniversary of the company. The business was officially on July 1, 2003. The INFINUS AG financial services institution on the official press site provides detailed information on the results of the annual general meeting. INFINUS AG financial services institution one of the top MiFID tied agent regimes in Germany thanks to the continually rising growth rates can continue is the INFINUS AG continue to secure its place among the most nationally expanding liability roofs. Confirmed this position also through the award of INFINUS AG financial services institution with the grade of A in December 2012″for an excellent credit rating and financial strength by the Creditreform rating AG.

Euro Finance Ministers

The discussion sustained for several weeks goes to the rescue of Cyprus in the next round. The discussion sustained for several weeks goes to the rescue of Cyprus in the next round. It was decided in Dublin last week, how to proceed with the small island in the Eastern Mediterranean. Recently, it has become known that that Cyprus needed but a larger bailout than originally assumed. The agreed figure of 17.5 billion according to new calculations have become 23 billion euros. These new values might bring the barrel to overflowing and move the Bundestag to a negative vote.

In any case the amount provided by 10 billion euros will not change, rather the Cypriots must first prove that they the missing billions itself can muster. At this important meeting of course a variety of interpreters will attend alongside politicians from many countries, which are responsible, to inform in advance about following topics of the Conference or already specialized in these subject areas are then to be able to interpret in various foreign languages: the recovery of confidence of the population in their banks the long-term stabilisation of the economy of Cyprus the viability of Cyprus for Europe on time the risk that the financial and economic situation of Cyprus for the remaining European countries represents the precise determination of the financial needs of Cyprus as experienced interpreters you know, how hard it is to find their way in this jungle of languages and professionally translate, even if the discussion is nervous at once. In Dublin will be simultaneous translations for various language combinations on the spot to ensure foreign-language communication: Conference interpreter Spanish German on the topic of finances specialized technical translation Greek English English French interpreter banking simultaneous interpreter German is Dutch on euro crisis even interpreters not equal to interpreters, at this part-session is in many ways translated. Whisper interpreter translate with the help of a modern plant of whisper or interpreting softly in the ear, consecutive interpreters interpreting in the Exchange with the speaker and conference interpreters simultaneously translate to the speaker. To ensure that everything has its order, there are translation agencies, which in advance prepare weeks for events like this, then on the part of oral interpreting, as well as in terms of written translations to the in-depth expertise for a wide range of interpretation and translation projects available to stand on. Translation Finanztext German English Dutch translation Portuguese to the topic of funding scientific translation macroeconomics Italian German monetary policy text translation French Polish it only qualified specialist translators are provided, which are must well versed on the issues to be treated. This ensures that all languages at a high level are translated. Another You can read here: legal translation

The Units

In the maximum point coordinations UTM 6.884.000m the 6.938.000 meters to the South, and 700.000m the 744,000 meters the East of the meridian of 51 (FERRETTI, 2002). The Units of Conservao (U.C) are insertions in the landscape of a landmark human being, limits, that it estimates characterization of a territory. This well-taken care of and controlled necessary territory to be for certain ends, that in the U.C if configure mainly in the protection of the biological diversity and ecosystems. In this work, to reach the objective to identify to the knowledge of the environment and the space perceptions in the communities from the delimitation of the unit, one became necessary, to redescobrir the description of the occupation of the area of the park and next localities to this. The landscape of the area of the State Park of the Mountain range of the Tray is fruit of an occupation description, that cannot be observed separately, but yes regionally, it is mainly from the arrival of the colonizadores that the interactions and modifications of the landscape if accent. The look lingered in data moment in the agreement of the aoriana and German settling, evidenced for the ethnic origin of the interviewed ones of the communities.

She was necessary to know some cultural aspects of these descendants of Germans (in the communities of Vargem of Cedar Saint Maria) and aorianos (in the communities of Orange grove, Siri and Pinheira) searched a part of the occupation description and transformation of the space for these etnias. It does not mean with that it does not have other ethnic groups inside and different cultures surviving and in entorno of the park, the choice was for the representation most significant for the agreement of the studied communities. It is configured, in this scene, the relevance that if must give knowing and traditional technique. Very rare, the traditional knowledge, over all, the handling techniques, are recognized as adjusted for the agencies gerenciadores of the natural resources (DIEGUES, 1998).

Financial Expectations

The Munich-based broker pool Announces net profit Munich, 08.08.2013 – 2012 Fund financial Broker service GmbH exceeded expectations in the financial year. Has the overall performance with EUR 103.3 million (py EUR 109.3 million) exceeded the attached self mark of 100 million euros for the second time in a row. The result from ordinary activities lies with 7.2 million euro (VJ. 10.1 million euro) as well as the profit for the year (EAT) with 4.7 million euro (VJ. 6.5 million euro) significantly higher than planned. Equity of Fund financial rises to EUR 13.7 million (previous year EUR 11.5 million). Financial the Fund has achieved a disproportionately good business result 2012 despite the difficult market environment in the fiscal year. We have added sick especially in the Division through the capping of commissions and the extension of the period of cancellation liability with a considerable impact on the turnover and profit”, explained Tim Broning, Member of the Executive Board and responsible for corporate development and finance.

Million euro can generate (previous year: EUR 107.4 million). Equity again increases: financial broker pool with solid foundation the profit flows to a large extent in the equity capital of the company, which now includes 13.7 million euro. Financial achieved the Fund an equity ratio of 26.8%. We now have one of the largest capital reserves in the swimming pool market. That provides enormous additional collateral our sales partners,”explains Tim Broning.

Very pleased the two managing directors of the Fund financial broker GmbH, Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener looking back, 2012 fiscal year. We have beaten us extremely well in a very difficult market environment”, says Norbert Porazik. The year was marked by extensive regulations and unsettled market participants. Declining revenues resulting primarily from these external influences and the ongoing financial and currency crisis. We have factored the sales decline in the Division of health at an early stage and the Oriented companies affiliated so that other sectors can compensate for this.