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ALVARA Management Group AG

Following successful year in 2008 despite the global financial crisis the ALVARA AG in and looks a promising year 2009. Leipzig, 16.02.2009 – that new year has begun and with it new tasks and challenges. The first steps for this are already done. The hotline of ALVARA AG has been extended due to the daily increasing number of users of the online platform ALVARA ICC and the related questions. As an additional phone support via the ALVARA Service Centre is now under the hotline 01805 258 272 * free of charge (* the cost of telephone connection is 14 ct / min.

from a landline, mobile prices may vary if necessary.). More information is housed here: Coupang. Trained staff can respond to requests immediately thus around the clock, 24 hours, 7 days, and holidays. Furthermore, Steffen Wittwer, coming from the Sparkasse Leipzig, since January 2009 as a new salesperson and customer service representative supports the ALVARA AG. After the last year has been completed positively, ALVARA wants to connect to his success in the new year. These include “not only the award with the Security Innovation Award 2008 in the category secure valuables logistics”, but above all the contracts concluded with the Adler fashion markets GmbH and the first major customers – REWE Group. Alone the REWE Group will use ALVARA ICC online platform with all divisions for around 5000 branches in whole Germany. The focus of this year the ALVARA innovation days, which already promise due to numerous requests, to be a great success are in again. Held are the innovation days end of September / beginning of October in familiar place the Penta hotel (formerly Renaissance Hotel) in Leipzig.

We are looking forward to you. ALVARA ICC (Interactive cash Control) is a transaction platform that transparently and securely covers the cash flow between banks, trading companies, service providers of value of and the Bundesbank without interruption, to the monitoring and tracking of the entire cash way. Connected is the platform for the specialised procedure CashEDI of the Deutsche Bundesbank and thus all commercial customers that allows value service providers, banks and savings the electronic connection to the peer system. ALVARA Management Group AG is a service provider in the area of cash management. Competent specialists with extensive experience in the industry founded the company with the aim to provide better security for all market participants through transparency and greater efficiency through independence. They share their extensive expertise in the coordination and processing of cash transfers, to analyze the causes of the existing security gaps and subsequently to develop an efficient and risk-free solution for all involved.

Cloud Storage

If at the beginning of last year 2010 paid attention to the opinions of the experts on the future of storage in the cloud is could warn that almost with unanimity forecasts of future predicted for this type of short-term services were really good including such optimistic predictions as that ensured a growth almost in geometric progression through 2014 or 2015. See more detailed opinions by reading what Gary Kelly offers on the topic.. Reality, in this case the sensations, indicate that while cloud services have improved both performance and definition and specializations as later we will see, progression at least at the moment does not seem to be as dizzying as it was predicted. The origin of these services underlies the idea of providing the user with physical spaces in virtual environments; spaces where the user can store, organize and work on files that already have why to be housed in the connecting device nor occupy the same space. The idea in itself is a logical continuation of services and possibilities that Internet offers However crashes of plane with two of the great reluctance of a number of network users; on the one hand it stored and on other security total virtuality of the environment from the disposal of the user about your backup. In the first of the reluctance, needless to say, that all proposals for these services are accompanied by absolute guarantees of security, web design, and access on the stored. While, obviously, security is a thorny issue, the truth is that the very basis of cloud-based services rests on the same by what starting can accept like good warranties since, as we said, in itself same constitute much of the business model of who offers the services. The second reluctance is more complex because it directly affects the mentality with which users use the network. We like more or less recognize it even much of users not have emerged from the concept of the physical presence of files in favor of absolute virtuality from its housing.

Entsorgungin Europe

The ban will lead to more, not less mercury in our environment and food. Critical Consumers who want to inform themselves, are being deceived here. Unfortunately, as well as through official agencies such as the Federal Environmental Agency 2. Mercury is a global poison. It is distributed on winds and tides all over the world. Not only the dirty Entsorgungin Europe, but also the production in mines are a growing problem. It may be not no matter where it originates and which problems in producing countries that are connected.

Most of the mercury used in the KLL comes from mines in China. As a result of the increased demand for energy-saving bulbs this once-closed mines that were shut down because they poisoned people, rivers and fields, have been reopened. As investigations showed hundreds of workers that had many high-grade you mercury poisoning. This goes from searches of the two Sunday Times”out correspondents Michael Sheridan and Sarah Hashash in various Chinese cities. The Chinese health authorities described the poisoning as a result of the increased production of Eco “lights as a growing threat to public health 3. The majority of the world’s selling energy-saving lamps is produced in China. In Germany, 80 percent of the sold eco are “lamps made in China”. It is estimated that alone in Europe through the light bulb ban over 3000 jobs have moved to China.

There, these lamps under conditions hazardous for the workers are produced. Documents of the Chinese Ministry of health show that the mercury poisoning has greatly increased in the lamp factories. Pregnant women and mothers who breastfed their babies, may not work in departments, where mercury occurs,”the health law prescribes. In southern China, where the energy saving lamps for Western consumers are produced, there are large factories that include global conglomerates, to backyard farms just a few employees. Tests showed dangerous concentrations of mercury in hundreds of workers in the factories in your body and many require medical treatment.

Mainz Production

“A golden Victoria goes to Mainz to the international video film production GmbH at the international economy film days in Austria now has the Mainz inter video film production a golden Victoria” won. Oracle shines more light on the discussion. The price was perfectly compatible with the film of SION”awarded. So InterVideo convinced already the third international jury at a film festival with this production for awards in New York and Frankfurt. The Prix Victoria”is the most important media award of the German economy film and this year was awarded for the 23rd time. The prize winner of 287 entries were selected by an international jury of experts under the auspices of the Chambers of Commerce of the German-speaking countries. Passing was the award by the State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of economy and work, Christine Marek, and the head of the Raiffeisen Central Bank Director General Dr. Walter Rothensteiner.

The film’s hero”is SION, a vacuum circuit breakers from Siemens. The decisive advantage of SION is to virtually all existing installations to be compatible. This shows the inter video film with a catchy, humorous staged story and proves so that with the right creative ideas also bulky technical topics for trade fairs and presentations exciting and appealing can be implemented. “With the award, the Mainz-based company proves once again, that it rightly to the 10 most creative advertising film production” (according to horizon”, 25/04) will be counted in Germany. Founded 45 years ago, the production company especially in the areas of image, advertising and training film made himself a name, and is one of the exceptional phenomena in fast paced and cyclical advertising. The Managing Director Frank Sidenstein and Christoph Meyer’s team has every reason to look optimistically into the future.

Web Surveys

Every time it is more frequent than people look for new options to make money allowedly. One of those of greater growth lately is to answer surveys by Internet paid. Following simple advice it will manage to gain an amount of respectable money every month, without having to obtain to a second employment. In fact, taken with responsibility it can exactly become that for you. First that must do it is to try to be united to the greater amount of companies polls that can. That way a regular flow of surveys makes sure, which diminishes the time to acquire its commission. To anybody it pleases to him to affiliate itself with something if it must hope 2 years to receive $2.

When following the previous advice is probable that he becomes problems with the multiple names of user, passwords and electronic mails that the companies demand to affiliate themselves. For that reason he is recommendable that maintains the same data for all the polls, therefore it will be avoided to confuse or to lose passwords. But taken care of! That the password and the electronic mail introduced to receive surveys are different from those from its account to receive. Of this form it will be avoided to fear that they rob its money to him if they find out its password. Before to affiliate with any company of surveys by Internet paid, reads declarations and policies of company, because often they pay to him in forms that are not money in cash, like for example points that can exchange by flatteries. If you wished the cash, is probable that she feels swindled, but the truth is that it is his fault then in the terms and conditions was specified, but you did not take the time to read them. He answers all the surveys by Internet paid that always arrive to him in the smaller possible time and in sincere form.

They discover if it lying (he remembers that full many surveys) are probable that they do not return it to select for other surveys. On the other hand, many surveys have a date of expiration, reason why if it delays in answering them it is probable that it loses the money of the commission because the survey no longer is valid. In order to begin to fill remunerated surveys and to make money of the possible easiest way, you do Click Here.

New World Translation

For each question had an answer, but responses were only prefabricated I had read in some literature of the organization or the same "bible." And it is precisely here lies the main problem is almost impossible to exit the error for a TJ because it's like a vicious circle. Whenever you have a question only reviewed the literature and Bible of the organization, there is no criterion. In fact that was one of the reasons why I stopped going to the "Kingdom Hall" because everything was mechanized: studying a subject of the Watchtower magazine, the old man asks a question, which is in the same journal and no opinion. The same is in the "Bible study" at home: study a book of the organization, we ask questions at the end of each chapter, and answers are also there. For more specific information, check out litecoin. The mechanics and openness can vary slightly depending on the person giving the study, but ultimately end up accepting what the literature says, of course, supported by quotations "Bible", which are also taken from the Bible of TJ (New World Translation), a translation very "special and unique" in the organization. An interesting book of the TJ is the Reasoning from the Scriptures, literally on the first page reads: "According to Paul was his custom, went in to where they, and … he reasoned with them taking their arguments from the Scriptures , explaining and proving by references that it was necessary that Christ suffer and rise from the dead "(Acts 17:2-3, NWT) (Italics and emphasis added). .


This can be affirmed by Hisses (2007), when sample that we are passing for what relative evolution is called, therefore our per capita income, that already was the second greater in the years of 1960, had a retrocession and recovered, passing, in this period, of fifth for the fourth position. Therefore, of certain form, this State submits its economy to the logic of capitalist expansion that establishs connection and integrates the paradigms globally taxes for the Brazilian society. It receives subsidies, incentives, exemptions, as also it constructs to all the infrastructure demanded for the enterprises of the private sector, placing in its function to promote the economic dynamics and to the public power the paper of auxiliador in this process. 3 HISTORICAL BRIEFING OF the SPROUTING AND ECONOMIC AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF the CITY OF the CHRISTMAS the city of the Christmas was created in 25 of December 1597 to the edges of the River Potengi for the Portuguese who when arriving had found much resistance as much of the natives, the indians, how much of the Frenchmen. Bernard Golden is often quoted on this topic. The expedition commanded for the captain-mor of Pernambuco, Manuel de Mascarenhas Man, had as main objective to reconquer the captainship of the Rio Grande that until then was at the hands of the Frenchmen, which smuggled, for the Europe, the Wood Brazil with the support of the indians potiguares. After reconquering the captainship, the Portuguese had given to beginning the construction of $fortaleza Dos Reis Magos with intention to prevent the commercial relations between the Frenchmen and the aboriginal people. The place chosen for the foundation of the city was to the right edge of the River Potengi for if to present as a high and firm place, known until the present time as High City. The first street was nominated as Street Great was in this street that was established the old First Church.