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Chair Countries

When money speaks, truth is silent. Chinese proverb the dynamics of international trade scenarios show increasingly more actors who are integrated in order to consolidate trade economic blocs that allow to participate actively in the current international scenarios and more when there is a global economic crisis that affects all those countries that do not have consistent economic foundation to deal with it. The Chair of international trade in the graduate management program mention markets, considers it very important that its participants delve into assessing what to Venezuela represents the opening of new blocks and participation in international trade, in this case discusses his participation in Alba. Remember as it is well known, the Bolivarian alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean (ALBA) is a proposal for a different integration. While the FTAA responds to the interests of transnational capital and pursues absolute liberalization of trade in goods and services and investments, the ALBA puts the emphasis on the fight against poverty and social exclusion and, therefore, expresses the interests of the Latin American peoples. Bernard Golden understands that this is vital information. As indicated in lapatriagrande. NET

The ALBA is based on the creation of mechanisms to create cooperative advantages among Nations that allow to compensate the existing asymmetries between the countries of the hemisphere. It relies on the cooperation of hedge funds to correct the disparities that placed at a disadvantage to the weak countries against the first powers. For this reason the ALBA proposal attaches priority to Latin American integration and negotiation at sub-regional blocks, opening up new spaces for consultation to deepen the knowledge of our positions and identify areas of common interest enabling form strategic alliances and present common positions in the negotiation process. The challenge is to prevent the dispersion in the negotiations, avoiding that Nations sisters are removed and be absorbed into the maelstrom that comes by pressing on the basis of a rapid agreement for the FTAA. .


Data source: Market maker / Greenwich alternative investments / SWISS SELECT asset management AG SWISS SELECT asset management AG certainly more yield – the SWISS SELECT securities specializes, which provide profits at every stage of the stock market and make even pension deposits even safer. To achieve positive returns regardless of the turmoil in the capital markets year after year, a careful selection and allocation process for portfolio managers from the global Hedgefondsuniversum is done by the SWISS SELECT. The certificates of the SWISS SELECT initiated about Barclays (AA/Aa1 rating) offer access to some of the world’s most successful absolute return strategies. Because the certificates of the SWISS SELECT a variety of renowned hedge funds access, you can used quite as basic investment. But you show their particular strength as a complement to existing investment portfolios.

By the low Fluctuations, the high resilience and the low correlation of SwissSelect products with the stock, bond and real estate markets are not only more widely diversified classic investment portfolios: the solid income of SwissSelect products shall ensure that even pension portfolios and also equity portfolios are more productive and above all much safer. Investors and investment advisors reach usually a significant reduction of the volatility, the reduction of vulnerability and to raise yields by supplementing with SwissSelect products, so that they reach the actual target yield of total deposits much more reliable. SWISS SELECT asset management AG, In my time 4, FL 9494 Schaan, Tel. 00423 231 1716, E-Mail:, press contact: MP service, Malte Papen, schulstrasse 7 a, D-56472 Court, Tel: 0049-2661-953040, E-Mail: Disclaimer this document was created by SWISS SELECT. The opinions expressed are those of the SWISS SELECT at the time of the Writing and may change at any time. The document is used for informational purposes only and for use by the recipient.

It represents neither an offer nor a solicitation for the purchase or sale of shares of securities of SWISS SELECT e. A reference to past performance is not regarded as a reference to the future. You have been collected in information contained in this publication and analysis from sources considered to be reliable. The SWISS SELECT gives however no representation as to their accuracy and completeness and disclaims all liability for any loss arising from the use of this information.

Martin Rothe

In your brochure to underline the low correlation with traditional investment, but also to other Hedgefondsstrategien. Are the differences to other hedge funds so large? And how does the correlation to the stock market? Martin Rothe: you should check what it is itself not really believed with hard facts. The bottom graph shows common hedge fund strategies with regard to their correlation to the stock market (MSCI World index). Since correlations can fluctuate very greatly, a continuous 4-year correlation is considered: the differences of the correlations of individual strategies are actually not so great and just with one Exception all positive concurrent with the stock market. This is not very useful in times of crisis, a diversification of hedge fund strategies not necessarily useful.

However, there is a glaring exception and this is also clearly in the upper chart: only systematic managed futures strategies, including AlphAlgo, are actually disconnected from the stock market in bad phases, correlations significantly negative. Historically succeeded so far very good you are to make the bear market phases of financial markets. And during the financial crisis, as well as in the current market environment. How does risk management and the adjustment of the position sizes? Can this in combination with the investment strategy basically all conceivable contingencies master? Martin Rothe: Risk management is essential at all in the long term to successfully implement a systematic trading strategy, no matter how the markets behave. However, the market movements are much stronger in times of crisis and therefore must the measurement accurately carried out by risk factors.

This can of course easily implemented via computer. In principle, there is always the volatility and the liquidity rule size for the position control. This means that strong movements reduces the number of futures contracts, to limit the losses on movements. Ordinary profits in times of crisis, therefore, are not on risky position sizes”due, but that equity, interest rate and currency markets and some commodity markets at the same time of the capital flows, say trends, are affected and the program in all segments is engaged.

Fund Money

In these times of crisis we all want is having two jobs, start a business or anything else that allows us to make more money, so today you platicare about an option that there is, very easy and not takes you time. They are called hedge funds. Investment funds work to when you want to save money but that money becomes more. What happens is that as well as you that you are looking for more money, many other people do, so it meets all those people invested money and invests in a Fund. With the passage of time that Fund is going to generate interests which will be distributed among all partners of the Fund, is how you generate more money.

The good thing about investing in a fund is that all decisions in investing the outlet a professional, which is the financial group, which operates as an intermediary between you and your background, the only thing you’ll need to make your is to wait for time to pass. While waiting you can continue working or doing what they most prefer, therefore not you need to do absolutely anything to generate such interest. It invests in a Fund and see your money grow. Original author and source of the article

No Fear Of The Wrong Entry Time

Market report SWISS SELECT asset management AG – July 2008 while the German kicker to Jogi Low past have taken at least close to the European Cup, are the stock and bond holders, from countered to stay in football jargon, classic. About 20 percent Germany’s main stock market index DAX lost in the past six months and has let investors in the first half of any joy. Unfortunately, the development of the German stock market is no exception. A look at major global share markets shows that almost all markets crumble. 12.83%, the Dow Jones industrial lost in the first half of the S & P 500 average eased DM 15.65%, the Euro STOXX 50 lost 23,79% and the Hang Seng China enterprises even 25,52%. The month made a decisive contribution to these results, by the way June. Down 9.37% of world stock market index MSCI World EUR had its biggest one-month drop since the bear market year 2002.

This association alone brings back memories of dismal trading hours. And this time can apparently even European bonds as the safe harbor\”for investor funds act. The SALB European GBI also eased in this miserable first half of the year. With a loss of 3.55%, European bonds no longer are a safe investment option. Also additional concerns on the current high rate of inflation in Germany by 4%. The nervousness among investors increases significantly with the scary rising price of crude oil (H1 + 48,94%!). Because of the influence of this indispensable raw material for the global economy is too large.

The capital – and high guaranteed Hedgezertifikat SwissSelect warranty 26 (WKN BC0 EHF) not entirely spared from this turmoil. The volatility of the rates increased slightly, so that the certificate over the term of the first half with 2.33% negative. However, this result makes also clear that the hedge funds very carefully selected for this certificate can much better deal with a such difficult market period, as Classic investment vehicles, whose developing too much is linked to the General market turmoil.

Create Safe Deposit

Fixed-term deposits test has to analyze a report of Stiftung Warentest for the deposit insurance as private deposit investors usually a great emphasis on the security of own investments. Several bank failures, to remind himself about on the collapse of the Icelandic banking sector, German investors have unsettled, who wanted to seek their fortunes in other European countries. There have been, and often more attractive interest rates offered. In which country can you invest safely? The prestigious Stiftung Warentest has compared the deposit insurance in Germany and some other countries. Fixed-term deposits test, the consumer portal specialized in fixed-term deposits, reportedly, plants are harmless for all possibilities by the Stiftung Warentest tested up to a height of 50,000 euro.

And in addition is a deposit guarantee, which can be for the average investors of small – and medium-sized sums become considered more than adequate for most German banks. Only investments abroad you should be the exact conditions of a hedge in the Case of a bank failure look. Apply for building and loan associations and savings banks and other conditions, three countries were in addition to the various German hedge fund, for private and public banks, compare. In the Netherlands, Austria and the United Kingdom, Stiftung Warentest recommends maximum investments of EUR 50,000. The summary of the analysis of the Stiftung Warentest for the deposit insurance can be found on fixed-term deposits You will also find there current judgment on the fixed deposit offers of the most direct banks.

European Mounting

in 1999, the Hamburg-based Conergy Group adopted the company. 20 Years mounting system, this means 20 years experience and 20 years quality. Thus frame experts set standards also for the Conergy solutions worldwide,”says Conergy CEO Alexander Gorski. Hardly a developer and producer of solar mounting systems can look back on a similar long and successful history. This is of even greater importance in the solar industry is rapidly changing.

We are very proud as a parent company and system solution provider with worldwide distribution network and congratulate on the 20th anniversary of mounting system.” Since September 2008, renamed the company as an independent company under the name mounting systems GmbH and since then again independently distributes its products to the market. In 2006 the TUV CERT (TUV Rheinland Group) has certified for the first time the location of Rangsdorf ISO 9001 DIN. Mounting system is in the last two decades successfully opposed the changes in the economy and the changing political conditions. The sales team serves the European, Asian, African and American market. In 2010, the company on the American continent opened an own sales and production facility in West Sacramento, California. With further representation offices in France (since 2010), United Kingdom (since 2012) and in Japan (summer 2013) its extensive market experience in the global solar and advises its customers on the spot shows future mounting system. Stefan Spork, Managing Director of mounting systems, says: two decades ago, the solar power generation was still a niche market. The industry has professionalized themselves now.

The entire value chain is far more efficient and thus less expensive. Over the last 20 years we have us and our regional, national and international marketability considerably up and expanded successfully in the environment of the market companion claims. This development we look forward and believe that we actively and at the forefront will shape the solar future in the next 20 years.