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Federal Statistical Office

“Lecture by ePages CEO Wilfried Beeck on the world hosting days 2011 Hamburg, the majority of companies has the 28.03.2011 – the step in the international E-Commerce ahead of her”. This conclusion came to Wilfried Beeck, CEO of ePages, in his presentation, sell globally, think local”on the world hosting days 2011. The event has developed into more than four thousand participants to the world’s most important Conference of the hosting industry. In the opening keynote of the event, Beeck spoke about the challenges of international E-commerce in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises. Hosting provider offers a market with enormous growth potential here.

Many traders with local business are looking for solutions with which they can sell well nationally in the most important markets: according to Federal Statistical Office there is 22.8 million small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe. Less than half of which currently have an online presence and even by the trading company address only 54 Percent 1 the online market. Only 21% 2 mail across borders. Problematic because: Not always all legal aspects will be considered. Who wants to be internationally successful, needs an online shop, which corresponds to the international standards.

Hosting provider in Europe must offer an all-round package, that also meets these requirements”, said Wilfried Beeck. Not only the appropriate languages and currencies, but also the country-specific labels, as well as the connection to local marketplaces and shopping portals, the support of the most popular payment methods, logistics providers and the compliance with the legal requirements are a major challenge. In the top 7 regions D/A/CH, Scandinavia, Benelux, France, Spain, Italy and the UK alone, there are fifteen different languages. And although now fifteen countries in the euro zone are also 12 non-euro-countries will be taken into account.

Issue Tomorrow

AFA AG: poverty – not an issue by morning the AFA AG warns of impending poverty in Germany for many years and strongly advises to the private pension at an early age. Since this week, all those should prick up their ears, have previously pushed the poverty in old age as a subject of the future to the side. The Federal Statistical Office has published new figures. Then, the old-age poverty increasing sharply in Germany. Last year depended on almost 465,000 pensioners on assistance from the State. 6.6 Per cent are more than in the year before. This figure is a new record. A glance on the statistics, that especially women from the West German Federal States are affected.

Absolute leader is actually rich city Hamburg. Here, the proportion of welfare recipients was 6.2 per cent both in men and in women over 65. It followed with 5.5 percent and Berlin Bremen 5.3 percent. Least frequently depended on pensioners in Saxony and Thuringia on the basic insurance. In the two provinces, the rate was one percent. “The issue of poverty in old age is Future sadly even more look as already. I can advise everyone in good time to think about tomorrow and to provide private. Our top asset depreciation Fund policy is recommended immediately, which was awarded with the title of best retirement this year by the financial magazine FOCUS MONEY “, says Stefan Granel, the AFA Board in Berlin.

The AFA AG has developed a short video titled “Retirement plans instead of poverty”, which explains in simple words and images, what matters in the private old-age provision. The video is available at: about AFA: the general financial and Assekuranzvermittlung (AFA AG) is an independent financial sales with seat in Berlin and Cottbus. The insurance professionals and system business of AFA AG have a Chamber of Commerce degree and are trained according to the recognized directives. In addition, they are registered in the EU register of brokers and work in accordance with the EU directive for financial services. Every year the AFA AG provides nationwide 750 free training places available and promotes 250 Young entrepreneurs. New office locations are planned in all Germany.

Schroder Systems

Important point per GWS was about also the new intuitive interface by gevis RTC. Due to the structure of the software, each of a total of 240 users can make so its user interface, as he needed them for his professional requirements. So can appear according to your own choice as to do lists are open projects presented or visualized the paying of customers. Use spoke of efficient EDI solutions also for gevis RTC. Integration of the shop system the migration concept elaborated together with rady & Schroder foresees the completion of the implementation project mid 2014. In addition to the introduction of the actual ERP solution, s.dok and s.can will be made until then the integration of document management systems. Continue to be an optimization of all master data in the context of the data acquisition, the complete data transfer, as well as the connection of the existing shop system should be completed before the real start.

The new orientation of the server, as well as a training concept geared towards all eleven locations are also included in project mandates of the GWS. The Extend the capabilities of existing in Amando evaluation to a business intelligence solution is possible. GWS Gesellschaft fur merchandise management systems mbH was founded in 1992. Today approximately 300 employees work at the sites of Munich, Munster, Nuremberg, Leonberg, Germany. As a Microsoft GOLD CERTIFIED ISV Global has partners GWS innovative inventory management systems and composite solutions for trade and service company specialized in. More than 35,000 users use the GWS products. They belong to composite-oriented companies from the commercial as well as from the agricultural sector. In addition to the standard software products and standardised solutions offers the GWS industry portals and Internet shops.

Comprehensive consulting services and training courses complete the range of services. the Group turnover to EUR 41.9 million amounted to 2012. The GWS conveyor and holding company for ERP systems EC it is possible to influence product development customers. The solid shareholder structure of the GWS (GAD eG Munster 54.9%, FIDUCIA IT Karlsruhe 10%, GWS conveyor – EC 25.1% as customer participation and minority interests of Central, for which GWS is active) potential security and sound support in operative business.


Cheap debt to no early repayment penalty interest rates for housing loans are always still unbeatable cheap long-term comparisons. According to Bundesbank statistics, the average effective interest rate of loans with maturities of 5 to 10 years amounted in April 2011 only to 4.18%. In August 2007, he was still a full percentage point higher at 5.18%. Understandably, resent builders have long financed their real estate to a higher fixed interest rates as. They would complete the credit under the current conditions, they could save some ten thousand euro in many cases. Debt to is possible, but usually not readily because the Bank can be meet the credit up to the end of the fixed rate agreement, or an early termination only upon payment of an early repayment indemnity must agree to, what usually destroys the interest rate advantage. Not so rarely there but on one side a way, the expensive credit to finish, without an early repayment indemnity pay. Namely, if the revocation of the credit agreement is wrong.

It is since 03.11.2002 no longer, whether you have completed the credit in a doorstep-selling situation, because since that time 495 each consumer admits BGB 2 weeks in case of a right of withdrawal, that the loan agreement in the Bank has been completed. The withdrawal period starts to run, if the revocation information is correct only and that is often not the case. The error are manifold. For example, the cancellation policy is wrong when it says that the revocation is considered failed if the consumers pay back the loan within a period of 2 weeks. The revocation would be incorrect even then when she should begin to run cooling-off period only with the entrance of the credit agreement with the Bank, or if the revocation information leaves open whether there is a related business between the credit and the funds that financed. If a withdrawal is wrong, can However, only an expert sure judge. Who wants to save his real estate financing, should have checked his credit agreement therefore by a lawyer specializing in banking and capital market law. Because the construction interest rates rise again for a few months, stakeholders should act soon.

German Financial Resources

DFK German financial resources AG since 2005 made dividend by 7 per cent for profit participation certificates each year Kaltenkirchen June 2013. The DFK German financial resources AG concluded the year 2012 to the repeated time with a payout of 7% for profit participation certificates. Thus, Kaltenkirchener financial services continues his successful series begun in 2005. And that shows during the curve of interest rates for day – and fixed-term deposit accounts since last year continuously down. The DFK profits for profit participation certificates were from 2005 to 2012 each year continuously at 7%.

In addition to the beneficiary with an attractive interest rate, the DFK German financial resources AG markets self-developed supply concepts like income properties to the pension. The recipe for success of the Kaltenkirchener financial lies in the broad-based financial concept consisting of from investments, real estate and insurance, and its consistent implementation. Also the DFK German financial resources AG offers its customers guarantees such as a provision of the profit of over 700,000 euros, one of the main risks of participatory rights the insolvency of the issuer is covered by that. The DFK provides further information under. Beneficiary of DFK German financial resources AG: an example of calculation especially given weak interest income on bank accounts worth an investment in certificates. Following example invoice illustrates this: who invested 10,000 euros in profit participation certificates of the DFK, has achieved a profit of 700 euros in the first year and would accumulate after 25 years so the end of the term 54.274 euro.

Would the money on a day money account has been created, the amount to 150 euros would much more modest in the first year (at the current rate of 1.5%). Investors can already draw beneficiary of DFK German financial resources AG from a monthly rates deposit of 100 euro. The DFK is well equipped with a wide portfolio and profit provision is the 7 percent dividend to our investors for me personally not only a Promise, but above all a duty.

Poland EFS

EFS euro financial service mediation AG (EFS-AG) controls after record year 2010 expanding Wals bei Salzburg March 2011. Since 2002, the EFS euro financial service mediation AG (EFS-AG) is successfully represented in Austria and celebrated its previous peak in 2010 with the most successful business year. After the formation of a company in Poland, EFS euro financial service mediation AG (EFS-AG) as a result of the positive business development in Austria is expanding now after Hungary. End January 2011 was launched for the business activities of EFS euro financial service mediation AG at the new location. After the formation of a company in Poland and thus the entry into the Eastern European market took place in 2004, the EFS euro financial service mediation AG expanded their activities in the East now the site Hungary.

This is due to the positive business development of EFS euro financial service mediation AG in its core market of Austria. 2010 was the most successful year in the history of the EFS euro financial service placement AG (EFS-AG). In the future, the EFS euro financial service mediation AG offers her from the elements existing secure expand of building to power portfolio on the Hungarian market. The EFS euro financial service mediation AG (EFS-AG) able to find top-quality products for their Eastern European customers and to realize a sustainable economic success is as independent financial service providers. Josef Bauer, Director of the EFS AG in Austria and Hungary, is optimally positioned EFS euro financial service mediation AG for the now carried out expansion step: after Hungary is our main responsibility in the expansion to provide an incomparable quality and sustainability this market, so how we successfully practice in Austria. For this reason, we start with top qualified, state-certified executives, who already have experience all sales in Hungary. These executives are already the most successful in Austria and therefore offer an optimal Foundation for the Expansion.

Important Financial Tips

If you do everything right in planning your retirement funding, have later enough money and can look forward to the time after work worry-free. The VZ experts have put together the most important tips for you, from which you benefit financially the most. Tip 1: make a solid financial plan places your anticipated expenses the income in retirement to. In this way, discover a possible financial bottleneck or get the certainty, until in old age financial security to be provided, your financial plan is based on realistic assumptions. This especially applies to the return on your investments, which significantly influenced the development of your assets and the amount of your income. And consider the inflation, which is the cost of living often stronger than expected rise in spending. Tip 2: secure your income if you have to live after retirement of your wealth, you should choose a cautious investment strategy for your savings.

A more interesting way is the stage strategy: you live of your assets, but without consuming it. so always have a liquidity reserve and you can inherit your assets later. You can learn more about the stage strategy from the new data sheet. Tip 3: check your private insurance: as pension or capital related? Your choice affects the amount and your income security after retirement. And it has far-reaching consequences for your financial flexibility, your tax burden, and the protection of your family. Ask for advice at this extremely important decision by an independent expert.

Tip 4: check for premature retirement pension cuts when start your pensions before the statutory retirement age, this has a lifetime reduction result, i.e. 0.3 per cent per month. You go so instead of 67 with 63 years in retirement, you must come out with 14.4 percent less pension. Therefore check what alternatives you have. Tip adjust your estate 5: Your wealth is divided after the death according to the statutory guidelines, your spouse device under certain circumstances in financial distress because he must pay off the remaining heirs. With a testament or marriage contract, you can ensure that your assets will be distributed so as you want it. Tip: Make sure that your assets for the future is properly loaded. Until 10 may, benefit from our depot-check action: VZ independent experts analyze your investments and show you whether to take high risks, how to improve the rate of return and pay less bank charges.

Listening To Customers – 5 Tips

In a strange juxtaposition of the articles, this month the UK has three parts, concerning the importance of listening to customers. Susan Rice, CEO of Lloyds TSB makes clear how important it is for great leaders to listen and hear. It uses the example of how Coca-Cola was quick to “listen” to their customers when they revolted against New Coca-Cola back in 1985 (good job too, was Yuk!). It also attacks the feasibility of exchange programs, where more than 70% do not meet the original objectives. A return sad, very consistent due to the lack of listening to the needs of staff and clients in the business. Fast forward to page 19, where a youngster is the situation of Henry Ford pellet in the 20’s, with its policy of “any color as long as it’s black” for their new revolution in car manufacturing, the Model T. This worked very well for a few years, giving Ford a huge 57% market share.

However, this historical icon manufacturing efficiency, have turned against him. Its competitors, almost behind the back, he learned, by asking and listening, that their customers wanted different colors. In 1927, General Motors had stolen a march on Ford – and have taken a big advantage – and market share. And finally, in a strange question focused on the client is a long look at the situation in the fashion market in the UK, now led by lower-priced newcomers who have become very visible in the last decade. Asda brand George, through TK Maxx, a Matalan, Primark and Peacocks. All these are mounting the sidewalk and decimating the traditional retailers. Marks & Spencer are the usual victims, but not unique.

The common thread is that the victors are listening closely and respond to the needs of its customers – who are taking the time to find and, moreover, are “sensors” mood, the trend of retail fashion. Perhaps listening to customers is as important as it seems. And while on the subject, more attention to employees would not hurt either. What to do in your business? Five tips: – Ask questions of people who are important customers – and employees. Listen to your answers and more questions. Acting quickly on the things that you can fix quickly. Build on your short, medium and long term strategies that things are being discovered. Work to ensure that its people are empowered to do this all the time, day by day and information where you are going to notice Copyright 2005 Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. a l works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and business leaders


With the AuLED road save municipalities at least 40 percent of their energy bills with the tight budget, many municipalities have problems to ensure sustainable. But now the public space should be remembered today which the generation of tomorrow has to fight even more than now. A simple but extremely effective point is based on LED street lighting. It is durable, energy efficient and low maintenance. Also good the environment and the wallet of the public administration. Day-like light from an LED light effect in the first moment unattractive and alien.

But it brings many advantages over a conventional lamp with it. An improved color and outline detection is possible through the light spectrum of innovative street light. Click Cylance for additional related pages. This increases the safety of all road users. The human eye can understand many things in white and bright daylight as in dark, yellow light. This is one of the great advantages of the LED street light.

Another point is that of course the cost savings of the very efficient lamp. A saving of at least 40% is often contaminated municipal budgets. If you would like to know more then you should visit Steven P Rosenthal. Furthermore the LED lights, in contrast to the conventional sodium vapor lights, are highly durable and extremely low maintenance. The costs of installation thus fall to a minimum. The AuLED road”of Autev AG of Brandenburg is such an innovative and efficient light. Due to its modular design and intelligent management, optimum illumination system directly on the customer’s request can be cut. Only light that is used, is also needed. This saves additional energy and CO2. Another savings provides the light with her dimming function. Can save more energy by continuous decrease of the efficiency at pre-set times. This will ensure not only safety and cost reduction. An important part will be contributed to the environmental protection. So saving the AuLED around three tons of CO2 and contains no environmentally harmful heavy metal. Also be no insects attracted by light and killed, this is extremely important for the ecological system and the Protection of species. With the AuLED road, the Autev AG provides a based on maximizing customer benefit concept that infrastructure and conditions he adapt their streets and optimally set can be.

Unemployed Financial Assistance

Loans for unemployed are of great importance for the jobless British citizens. Loans for unemployed are offered in unsecured form and as short loans. Recession or absence of recession, unemployment is and has been there in the British economy. The difference refers to rate of unemployment in the United Kingdom. It is difficult to remember that its rate has ever decreased in the known records of the nation.

Who, then, does people not know that the jobless are in great distress, and that despite great distress they so require finance for sustenance? Fortunately, the financial market, in the competitive atmosphere, has found reasons to address the problem. Hence, England has a tradition in providing assistance to the unemployed unemployment wanted men and women of the society. Loans for unemployed unemployment have been introduced to help the unemployed unemployment nationally. Loans for unemployed unemployment are offered to the citizens of Great Britain provided that they have documents supporting that they are unemployed unemployment. There are a few more conditions to be eligible for the loans for unemployed unemployment. The applicant must have completed 18 years of age when they would apply for the loans for unemployed. She / he must possess a valid and active bank account.

They must produce recent contact address, certified documents of telephone or electricity bill etc. Loans for unemployed are available in unsecured form. The amount payable towards this child of finance deals is fixed by the lender who generally offers it within the range between 100 and 1500 actually it is within his discretion. He goes through the financial position of the loan-seeker and studies several economic aspects about the applicant. Loans for unemployed are free from credit checking which is to mean that the lenders pay little attention to the credit status of the loan-seekers. The finance provider, if he finds it necessary, can try to learn habit the repayment of the loan-seeker. He tries to know if the applicant is equipped enough so that he may secure in employment within near or far future. The lender does all these things to set the terms and condition for the person who has submitted the loan application. Terms and condition for this child of loans are usually favorable. Advanced in unsecured form interest, although the loan amount is, is charged at lower Council. The reimbursement is so fixed with similar consideration. The applicant can visit the Web sites on the internet and study the terms and condition provided by several calendar there. One is sure to find out at affordable option and move to get the loans for unemployed unemployment accordingly. Declan Dylan is author of loans for unemployed People.