How many times have you heard say, "I have so many balls in the air, I do not know how I can keep track of them all." We might manage to keep the balls in motion, but how good our performance is really juggle? Are our movements controlled and rhythmic? Or are we merely gritting his teeth and hoping to catch the ball next before falling on the floor? I was recently talking with a colleague (we'll call Craig), which is a great achievement-oriented and well-regarded senior management. He was overwhelmed by the amount was on your plate. In addition to handling high-pressure career that had begun to pursue a bachelor's degree while he was enrolled in another certificate program. In addition, several projects in the home were also competing for your attention. Amid all this, Craig said he hoped to continue to stick with the graduate degree, despite the workload was more than he had expected. To do otherwise would be to persevere so out of character that was inconceivable to him. In the words of Craig, "would resign." As we talked, I asked Craig if he could have a more positive way of looking at options before him. Instead of seeing the decision not to do something like giving up? How could the decision be re-framed as choosing to meet other important goals? Such a decision can mean the election of the successful completion of a few key objectives, rather than fight to keep all the balls in motion.