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Cut Out Pattern

Modding the mouse, we need: Dremel (I used this time, the dentist drill machine) Soldering hotmelt Balloon paint marker LEDs (I chose blue) Parse the mouse button, separate, at housing surface marker to make a drawing. Next, cut through figure (I chose a butterfly for his sister), drill machine. Attention! When cutting plastic starts to melt and drill machine starts to twitch, which is bad affects the accuracy of the figure (Because of this, I had to go back to the shop for a new victim). 1. Close the picture on the outside (I closed the clay and white film). 2.

Fills with hot, remove the clay and after to fill the remaining voids. 3. Process the surface of the stationery with a knife. 4. In order to hot-melt smoothed, take a soldering iron in hand and begin to drive, at a distance of 3-4mm., Line drawings. 5.

Degreasing, covering image soap (like the consistency of cream) in preparation for painting. 6. In several layers of paint and then remove the soap (from edge to center). 7. Wash with water. The cover is ready. It's time to start button. Fastening buttons will interfere with our illumination. They need a little cut. Make a new mount can be of two pieces of plastic, one straight and one with a "sic" (eg out of the box from the disc). The letter "sic" glue one side to the body of the nutria, and the second (Lower upper) to the front page that links these buttons. Paint over. Resistors because I did not need LEDs I have been to 3 volts each. 2 pieces I placed in the middle of the mouse, and 1 in Zadeh, for more uniform illumination. Putting your mouse and enjoy, yet boring. Here's another version from: Slab more information in the pictures you find on: Portal with handles


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