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The Capitalism

That is, before the official rupture of the socialist regimen in these countries, the capitalism of some form already had obtained to show its power to the population and to the government of those nations. For the exploration of the world-wide market the bourgeoisie prints a cosmopolita character to the production and the consumption in all the countries. For desperation of the reactionaries, it she removed to the industry its national base. The old national industries had been destroyed and daily continue to be it. They are supplanted by new industries, whose introduction if becomes a vital question for all the civilized nations, industries that do not use more raw materials autctones, but yes raw materials comings of the regions most distant, and whose products if not only consume in the proper country but in all the parts of the globe. In place of the old necessities, satisfied for the national products, new necessities are born, that more complain for its satisfaction the products of the regions longnquas and the climates most diverse. (MARX, 2010, p 8). Such enterprise groups that act in world-wide scale they represent, in the economy contemporary, the dominant bourgeoisie so criticized by Marx.

Valley to observe that the author detaches the fact of, in all History, the bourgeoisie to have played basic role in all the revolutionary processes, infiltrating in the microeconomic relations macro and, politics and even though in the familiar customs, as it can be verified to follow: The bourgeoisie played in History an eminently revolutionary role. Where she wants that she has conquered the power, the bourgeoisie paved to the feet the feudal, patriarcais and idyllic relations. All the complexes and varied bows that arrested the feudal man its ' ' superiors naturais' ' tore into pieces it them without mercy, to only leave to subsistir, of man for man, the bow of the cold interest, the hard requirements of ' ' at sight payment ' '.