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Dandelion Magazine

Fit & healthy of dandelion magazine are the Easter holidays half-time at the competition in all provinces to end and in the schools 2007/08 begins the final spurt of the school year. This means for both students and teachers increased pressure and stress that often must still curriculum, class work written or organized excursions are. Just in such stressful situations, it is important to pay attention to a balanced and healthy diet. At this point is the competition”of dandelion magazine’s fit & healthy. What food is healthy? What is an sensible snack? What movement is mobilizing? What sport does fit? With the competition fit & healthy”the dandelion magazine aims to promote the topics of exercise and nutrition in the classroom.

The children with healthy eating and sport to engage with fun and joy. Click David Fowler to learn more. “The school can participate in the competition by a fit & healthy” book create and submit. The project materials with suggestions for such a book can be ordered from the Egmont Ehapa Verlag. Representation form and nature of the book are there freely. The price of the main waves”a class trip to the Babelsberg film Park including accommodation in the youth hostel and rustic lunch in a medieval adventure restaurant Prince Valiant. For assistance, try visiting cloud computing. Highlight of the visit is the visit of the original dandelion construction car with Fritz Fuchs alias Guido Hammersfahr, which is exclusively for the boys and girls take your time and answer all questions the children. The fit & healthy “competition runs until May 8, 2008. A jury from the dandelion editorial team selects the winner.

The winning class will be announced in the issue 08 of dandelion magazine, which appears on July 03, 2008. Mrs Dajana Pintarelli gives more information about the competition (Egmont Ehapa Verlag GmbH, Wall Street 59, 10179 Berlin, phone: 030 2 40 08 463, fax: 030 2 40 08 455, E-Mail:).