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Humanization Of Dogs

One of the biggest problems in the modern dog ownership is the humanization. Again, this leads to communication problems and misunderstandings between dog owners and dog. For more information see Tomas Philipson. Dogs need firm rules and clear tasks within their social community. Are the days in which dogs had their place as a courtyard, hunting, herding or working dogs in the family, to the suffering of many dogs finalised. Instead, dog owners increasingly tend to humanize their pets. Dogs demand attention, they look for physical contact and fixate on a specific person. Many people view clear parallels to childish behavior.

A dog is not a kids replacement. He has completely different needs and these are very often forgotten or replaced or ignored out of pure ignorance. This is very selfish and cut off a large part of his life the living dog. Often these are the reasons for problematic behaviour by the dog. Our dogs can not choose their habitat. We go to the animal shelter, one Animal welfare organization or to the breeders and opt for a dog.

The man determined although when he can go out, what and when there was to eat something, whether and with whom he can reproduce or do and with whom he has contact. The dog has little choice. All other important decisions but, we leave it in the rain. Even considering the delicate interaction of dogs with each other, soon becomes clear you must evaluate every glance of the dog to the person like a question. A question for decision. In many situations, the animal so asks us how it should behave. Many dog owners do not respond or simply do not perceive it. On the other hand the man expected obedience from his dog. Dogs are quickly overwhelmed in human industrial environment and see themselves with situations confronted, in which they need our help in the form of security and management. For many people, it seems to be the a dog for example with road transport, with foreign dog encounters with noisy children, of course, with Cyclists, with the Alleinebleiben, etc. without any problems dealing with escalators, has. On the other hand, man demanded again that the dog doesn’t go to his natural needs, such as the hunting or rush of prey. That’s not fair! People may project our morality and our human way of thinking not in the dog inside, we should give a chance to the dog and to see him as he is. Dogs are highly social, instinct-driven, prey, sight hunting predators (and now comes the word “evil”). Living things, basically voluntarily subordinate themselves, if the leader of the Pack (head of the family) from the dog’s perspective has the necessary leadership qualities. Includes, that enter your dog clear structures to do something with him, all make important decisions for the social community, spare create for their natural needs (E.g. nose work, search games), he can go after those in human society. Only if you are enough thoughts about the needs of the dog, make, achieve a high quality of relationships in your dog human relationship.

Ctenophora: Hungry Immigrants

Threat to fish stocks in the Baltic Sea, a predatory jellyfish could disrupt ecosystem. The Penilia species Mnemiopsis leidyi around 1980, sea surfaced suddenly in black, are freely propagated and triggered an almost 20-year ecological disaster. The Mnemiopsis in almost all oceans owed the conquest of their new Habitat of an around the world as a “stowaway” in water ballast tanks of ships. Due to the since 1970 in the Black Sea increasing salinity of sea water, as well as overfishing and marine pollution found Mnemiopsis not only ideal living conditions, but had also no natural predators. In the following years, the voracious immigrants developed a tremendous appetite for Zoo plankton, fish eggs and larvae of cancer. Around 1989 the Goo-predator biomass amounted to around 1 billion tons, while the number of valuable fish such as anchovy and sprat had fallen dramatically. Temporarily, scientists even considered one of the natural enemies of Mnemiopsis, which related to her, predatory melon jellyfish (Beroe ovata), to move into the Black Sea. These animals suck their prey themselves into and take between three and five hours to digest a Mnemiopsis.

The idea appeared too risky in light of various ecological disaster in the settlement of foreign organisms, such as when the Cane Toad in Australia or with Mongoose on the Hawaiian Islands. But Beroe ovata came from all alone. in 1997 the first copies of the melon jellyfish appeared, probably also introduced about ballast water pumped off. I could not believe it”, Tamara Shiganova rejoiced by the Shirov Institute of Oceanology in Moscow. It began a merciless hunting, predatory jellyfish against predatory jellyfish, which ended with the collapse of the defeated Mnemiopsis population. Scientists expect that Beroe ovata, sang after work in the course of time in the Black Sea and quietly die off and cause no damage to the ecosystem is. Samantha destruction arts of Beroe could be soon somewhere else. In 2006, Mnemiopsis leidyi first appeared in the On the Baltic Sea in the Bay of Kiel and since then quickly spreads.

In October 2007 she already had the Gdask Bay and Gulf of Finland the Finnish and Gulf of Bothnia. In the Baltic Sea it has seen off Mnemiopsis especially on the eggs of goby, Seestichling, cod and whiting. Still, experts assume that the newcomers are here not to rage as it was possible for them in the Black Sea. For a proliferation of it might be simply too cold the predatory jellyfish in the Baltic Sea, only in August, when water temperatures reach the 20 level, optimal conditions for the hungry immigrants. However, one must not underestimate Arts adaptation of Mnemiopsis. Successfully, manages the jellyfish actually on mild temperatures to overwinter in water temperatures of around nine degrees Celsius in the Baltic Sea. Ulrich Karlowski

Managing Director

Important contribution comes to the conservation of biodiversity of the destruction of plant and animal species are costly to the mankind sustainable reforestation and management. Alone the pollination by insects is worth 110 billion euros, revealed the latest TEEB report (the economies of ecosystems and biodiversity). On the occasion of the day for the preservation of biodiversity on May 22, 2011, the Bonn party forest investments calls ForestFinance so politics and economics to on, to incorporate this value also on economic bills and to show more responsibility in the protection of the species. In addition to the preservation of existing habitats, reforestation can immensely contribute to biodiversity conservation if they are made in a sustainable manner”so Harry Aboagye, Managing Director of the ForestFinance group. Just forestry companies are therefore under an obligation to ensure a responsible use of the natural concern.” That forestry and biodiversity are not contradictory, shows an example of the ForestFinance forests. More than 15 percent of the Areas for nature protection and form together with the recovered burned Brownfields stepping stone biotopes for many rare animal and plant species.

So observed scientists from the University of Panama in the Finca Los monos, one of the oldest ForestFinance forests, 15 species in the red list of endangered animal species, including howler monkeys, toucans, and Kapuzineraffchen threatened with extinction. This biodiversity through sustainable management of mixed cultures is possible. Study shows high biodiversity in ForestFinance forests also an investigation of the TU Munich occupies the high biodiversity in the ForestFinance forests. The variety of plants as well as the acceptance of animals is greater than in conventional plantations thanks to the concept of mixed forest. The study of the Munich-based forest science society e. V. was awarded the prize. “Thanks to its exemplary management the ForestFinance offered to forests in Panama, to explore the practical implementation and effect of environmental policy”, explains forestry engineer Carola Paul.