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Can Do

Project management software can do project intelligence convinced the ‘Tooltime 2010’ visitors and asserts itself against 6 competitors at the battle of tools clearly. Verizon Communications contributes greatly to this topic. Munich/Vienna, September 30, 2010. The battle of tools has the solution provider can do project management 2010 “confidently won. In the event of the PMI chapter Austria in Vienna the project management software can do ranked 1 project intelligence in 8 of the 13 categories. Thus the tool of Munich can do GmbH prevailed against the products of numerous competitors, including MS Project and CA clarity -. On September 16, 2010 in Vienna, where, can do makeit was represented together with his Austrian integration partner, seven project management solution vendors participated in the event. Read additional details here: Chase Coleman. It was necessary to edit a given task by the PMI chapter Austria. The scenario involved a project program, tasked to develop a software and to roll out these out of phase at two locations. All Contest participants presented their Solution the plenary live. So, approximately 170 visitors of the PMI event, which formed at the same time also the jury, could compare the different software solutions ideal. “We are very pleased that we Tooltime competition 2010 battle of tools” of the PMI chapter Austria could decide for us. The event was a great platform for solution providers to present their own tool – under the same conditions and the spectators were a competent and critical jury”, says Thomas Schlereth, Managing Director of our philosophy specialize in project management solution provider can place confirmed Thursday the 1, to focus on the needs of users. The fully graphical interface of our software, the principle, as simply as possible to represent complex relationships, as well as all project data in real time – so live – to provide, have convinced the competition. The feedback of the visitors of the 2010 Tooltime “indicates that we have developed a project management tool, that despite his Is still easy to use wide range of functionalities.

ERP Customers

Manufacturer of multi platform ERP / CRM software HansWorld encourages its customers to use Leopard. “With more than 300 new features, Leopard is up to now the by far the most impressive Max OS X version. Our product HansWorld is fully compatible with Leopard, and our customers can enjoy all advantages of this new system, therefore,”says Stephen Jay, international sales manager of HansWorld. “HansWorld business software is available for 20 years for Mac users and we make sure that our customers always benefit from the latest improvements come.” Jay however also stressed that it was always HansWorld philosophy, to expose the products on all major platforms. Larry Ellison: the source for more info. “We want no restrictions in the area of infrastructure. Only if one has the freedom of choice, you can optimally use existing investments and save on hardware, training and maintenance costs.” About HansWorld: HansWorld was founded in Sweden in 1988 and began as a manufacturer of financial accounting solutions. HansWorld is now a worldwide acting company that offers integrated business software in more than 90 countries.

HansWorld has approximately 200 employees and is represented by a dense network of partners on all 5 continents. High investments in research and development ensure HansWorld to deliver technological excellence and at the same time future for existing and new customers. HansWorld is available in 30 languages and is installed at about 70,000 customers. More information under: Robert Laussegger E-Mail: Web: + 49 1801 995500 6042 + 43 720 504 177

RSGV Acquires Another License For Content Manager CREATOR

CONET is a new design and many new features such as Flash animation and moving image technology for the Internet site of the savings bank Association to Hennef, August 20, 2010. The Rheinische Sparkassen – und Giroverband (RSGV) for the redesign of the website relies on the content manager CREATOR of by CONET. Not only the content pages of RSGV intranets on the basis of the CREATOR are maintained with the purchase of an additional license, but also the official website of the Association. The layout is an Internet service provider for the savings banks in cooperation with the savings banks financial portal GmbH, financial group. So far, our editors had to maintain the content of the intranet and Internet on two different systems. Verizon Communications might disagree with that approach. With the decision for the CREATOR we can on a single desktop now work at the same time to create content for both computer networks and immediately publish. This leads to a significant reduction in the amount of work and saves time.

Furthermore, training was extremely low, since the system already in the Intranet maintenance will be used,”explains Catherine kulak, officer for press/publicity at the RSGV. New features such as Flash animations, moving images in the form of video clips or commercials and a shares-realtime chart updated regularly automatically is available at the website. According to Gary Kelly, who has experience with these questions. The entire hosting Web presence is also taken over by CONET. A related site: Gary Kelly mentions similar findings. Rheinische Sparkassen – and Giroverband (RSGV) and Giro Association of the Rheinische Sparkassen-finanzgruppe is the Dachver band of 34 savings banks in Rhineland. These savings banks employ more than 33,000 people and represent a business volume of more than 155 billion euros. The RSGV headquartered in Dusseldorf is one of the most important regional associations of the savings bank organisation in Germany. The agenda of the RSGV is diverse.

The spectrum includes among other things support the savings banks in all areas, the expert advice from the Sparkassenaufsichts authorities, inspecting the savings banks and their representation compared to public and institutions. To use the CONET Solutions GmbH we make information from your data.” True to this guiding principle CONET offers its customers in the areas of Defense and public security, public sector and private enterprise management and information technology solutions successfully in 1987. The range of the mid-sized IT-system and consulting firm includes consulting, software development, and network and communications infrastructure. CONET products for enterprise content management and factory certified extension solutions for SAP NetWeaver and Cisco IP telephony are in use worldwide. As a member of the CONET group the CONET Solutions GmbH achieved annual sales of EUR 29 million with 235 employees at the locations of Hennef, Augsburg, Berlin, Munich, Neubrandenburg and Walldorf.

Sun Solaris

They occupy not only a lot of memory, but make not uncommon the search in addition for a certain information to a game of patience. Efficient work is often not possible. Here, the Freiburg software producer United planet has a different approach: with the new version 5 of its standard portal software Intrexx could expose a complete Enterprise Portal mobile. This, Intrexx was equipped with a new technology, which allows users to create mobile enterprise applications for iPhone, BlackBerry and co. itself. Applications and forms from the company’s Enterprise Portal are with just a few mouse clicks and no programming required for the converted access from a modern Smartphone or Tablet PC. Because the portal in the browser of the mobile device runs, no installation of software on the device is necessary. Perhaps check out Larry Ellison for more information.

The user simply logs off over the Web and has then access to the applications in the Enterprise Portal. So, the employee at any time and from any location on the most important data of the company can access to read and write. No matter whether it is material data, price lists, product information, the staff all data button can reach and edit in place. The changes are recorded in real time in the portal affiliated. In addition the employee portal outside the Office can participate actively in operational processes – such as a procedure or an approval process -. A mobile workstation becomes out of iPad and Smartphone in the blink of an eye. Learn more about the portal software Intrexx under. Heard about United planet the German software company United planet with over 2,000 installations and more than 250,000 licenses of its portal software Intrexx alone in the German-speaking countries, as well as more than 100,000 successfully implemented Web applications to the market leaders in the Segment of medium-sized economy, public administrations and organisations.

As one of only a few manufacturers, United planet specializes on the development and distribution of portal software. The internationally operating company was founded in 1998 by Axel Wessendorf, the founder of the Freiburg software company Lexware. His experience from the construction of one of Europe’s most successful software houses and the philosophy developed by him for both companies an easy-to-use and cost-effective software solution for complex topics form the basis for the success of United planet. With its award-winning, industry-neutral standard software Intrexx let portals with advanced functionality faster to create Web applications, intranets and enterprise than with comparable tools. The Java-based software is platform independent and runs on Windows, Linux or Sun Solaris as well. Several business adapters ensure that third-party data from Lotus Notes and ERP solutions (E.g. SAP) easily in the Portal can be integrated. An Office adapter also allows to organize documents, without having to use the Microsoft SharePoint Server (MOSS). Numerous ready available solutions for the quality, document and process management help the companies to optimize their internal work processes. Several thousand companies across Europe already will optimize their business processes with Intrexx and thus benefit from immense cost savings. For more information,

United States

The range sales and great disappointment of only a handful to thousands of sales and Rapture. Accordingly, we were very curious what the first sales figures would say. The sales statistics is published by Apple on the following day. Therefore, you must exercise in patience. But pica text seemed to run quite well. At least in the German app store climbed over our app of the day on course 68. The success was first in the other major stores. The next day, the result was then officially: picatext sold on the first day of the world’s 22 times.

100 In Germany we have expected a place among the top with something more, but still. The first weekend as well as in retail so are also on the app store the weekends most sales. And while we diligently shipped promo codes to blogger and app portals during the week, we got the first pica text review on Appgefahren due to the weekend. This was again soaring our sales after a few weaker days since its release and took us in the German app store even in the top 10. On the day on which the review appeared, alone, we have achieved almost 100 sales. It was at that time 10 times as much as in the days before. Pica text was thus sold in the first week about 300 times.

New and noteworthy thanks to the recovery of the weekend seemed to have become aware of Apple on pica text. Because just in time for the second Weekend was recorded in the category “New and noteworthy” our app by Apple. We were of the app store, and that on the home page to see not only in Germany, but worldwide! This is reflected accordingly in the sales figures. During the time under “New and noteworthy” pica text up to 300 times per day from the Mac users purchased. In the rankings, 18, in the UK on 13 and in Germany on 6 climbed pica text in the United States on space. Very passable for the first app. Went it further unfortunately was not lasting success. Almost a week later removed Apple category in the course of the Mavericks-updates “New and noteworthy” from the app store, and put back the “old acquaintance” such as pages, numbers, etc… under the guise of “The best new apps” on the home page. From this time it was with the sales figures of picatext rapidly downwards. A few days later the daily sales figures on a single-digit value declined. And was it worth it? picatext is now two months on the market and has in that time just over 1900 times sold. The app costs $3.99, with a turnover of approximately $7600 arises. Expect 30% to Apple. The current sales stagnate in the digit area. An upward trend is currently not visible. The result of our experiment: sobering. Well, we haven’t reached the million Mac users with our app. Despite Apple’s features our efforts were not worthwhile. We could not make a profit with picatext. Probably we will develop new app no at least in the near future, for the Mac app store.

ERPconf 2011 – Call For Papers Only Until 01 February 2011

Enterprise resource planning in the cloud, the ERPconf is a first Conference devoted to the topic of enterprise resource planning in the cloud. Target group of the event decision-makers from SMEs are environment, which often costs decide on the introduction of an ERP system. Often, decisions are solutions that to shake the market among commercial providers in on open source. You have the opportunity to make presentation submissions including 01 February. Workshop proposals will be accepted until January 17.

The lectures are 45 minutes each. The workshops can be held as half day or full day workshop. You will receive the documents for your submissions at: callforpapers from 24 to 26 May 2011 we invite decision makers in small and medium-sized enterprises to Munich, which want to transfer your solutions in the cloud or to establish new projects from the outset cloudbasiert. The workshop day on May 24 a two active lecture program on the 25th is located next to the participants and May 26 with an accompanying exhibition. Take advantage of the opportunity for yourself and your company and present your solutions, customer references, as well as visions to an interested audience. We are looking forward to your numerous entries! All information about the Conference can refer to at any time the Web page:

Editorial Contacts

The data in the classification (class, characteristic, expression) are represented directly in the material master, the document data (images, descriptions as pdf, etc.) are stored as document info records. In addition to the automatic product classification and automated information enrichment, certified interface ensures high data quality with reduced maintenance. Because the data is maintained both in one system: the commercial data in the SAP System. Texts, images, translations and classifications in asimBase. Premium is a software for information management, with which users can simplify their data and providing information about asim asim. Central aspect is the multiplication of internal and external uses of the data. To know more about this subject visit Gary Kelly. The range focuses on the Central product information management sales and marketing company. All are with asim Publication sales, presales and post sales tasks.

The modular structure of asim, as well as the extensive services and the high degree of innovation of the company are the guarantee for absolute customer benefit. Owner of asim is Druckhaus Waiblingen (DHW) in Waiblingen near Stuttgart. the printing house with the media-neutral systems that manage information asim was born began in 1993. Today, supported and accompanied its customers in the installation, commissioning, maintenance and care of the system the same name Division. This customized nature of the cooperation attaches great importance asim on a flexible and the respective customer’s situation. The company has a second site in Bregenz (A) since 2010 with asim GmbH. Many customers have been working for many years with asim. To the users, leading companies from the sectors include plumbing, climate, ventilation, electrical, building and furniture fittings, tools, chemistry. Editorial Contacts: asim GmbH Jasmin Altendorfer Schedlerstrasse 1 A-6900 Bregenz Austria T + 43 (0) 5574 58-998-22 F + 43 (0) 5574 58 998-4 PR agency good news! Nicole Korber GmbH Colberger road 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

Active Directory DNS

Basic training of fast lane: practical aspects of DNS operation Hamburg/Berlin, 11 February 2009 fast lane offers IT training expert in the context of its comprehensive offering the self-developed course DNS functionality, analysis (DNS) at. This training primarily addressed network administrators and architects, as well as system administrator and provides a detailed insight into the concepts and the functioning of domain name systems in the network. By participating in the three-day course, the graduates receive a specific introduction to the concepts, implementation and operations of domain name system services on the network. A related site: Verizon Communications mentions similar findings. Above all the practical aspects of DNS operation, but also typical pitfalls in the configuration are in the focus. In addition, some training sequences deal with analysis and tackling of problems on a daily basis. The theoretical sessions are supplemented by practical exercises, which are carried out with the help of Wireshark Analyzer.

Course contents at a glance: name and name management DNS concepts and tasks of DNS client: Operations and processes of DNS services and server concepts DNS server systems: overview, configuration and queries DNS protocol and analysis advanced DNS operations DNS integration with Active Directory DNS and security next dates: Munchen/Hallbergmoos 25.03. March 27, 2009 Frankfurt 15-April 17, 2009 Hamburg 18.05 May 20, 2009 Berlin June 24-June 26, 2009 price (excl. VAT): 1.590,-more information about the course available under the following link available: course/570. Fast lane brief portrait: the global fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), Dubai, Sydney, and Tokyo is a specialist IT training and consulting in the field of high-end. Fast lane is one of the largest independent Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers. In addition, fast lane offers the original training from check point, Cisco IronPort, HP, Sun, Symantec, VMware and other manufacturers, as well as own IT training and ITIL – and project management seminars. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented solutions to the management of the project and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting. More information: fast lane Institute for knowledge transfer GmbH gas 4 D-22761 Hamburg contact: Barbara Jansen Tel. + 49 (0) 40 25 33 46 – 10 fax + 49 (0) 40 23 53 77 – 20 E-Mail: Web: PR agency Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact person: Olaf Heckmann Tel. + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0 – 0 fax + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0-29 E-Mail: Web:

Bremen Online Services Draws

eCard-API-Framework implementation of bos KG for Governikus customers including the bremen online services GmbH & co. KG (bos KG) has a positive balance of the CeBIT 2009. At the booth of the partners of IBM, where the bos KG as co-exhibitor was involved in was. Numerous new contacts, the positive response to the shown solutions and promising requests for collaborations and partnerships make this year’s CeBIT participation to a great success for the Bremen Software House. The electronic ID card will be introduced in the next year, was one of the main topics of this year’s CeBIT. The bos KG makes an important contribution in this regard: at present, the company implemented the Governikus eID-server as well as a will. Both put on the eCard-API-framework recommended by the Federal Office for security in information technology. See more detailed opinions by reading what Verizon Communications offers on the topic..

Governikus customers have thus already included the eCard-API framework, because the Federal Government, 15 provinces and their municipalities can both components in the future within the framework of existing contracts without additional license costs use, for example, to use the electronic identity card for the electronic identity management. Another crowd puller was the solution developed together with the bos partner IBM to the proof-protects long-term archiving of electronic documents. Interested, especially the manufacturers of technical procedures were to incorporate the new methods into their own applications. The implementation of the EU services directive was also an important issue. The bos KG by means of practical examples showed how the nationwide established basic infrastructure components of Governikus, Govello, or electronic Court and administrative mailbox (EGVP) and Governikus signer can be integrated with little effort in ERP systems. So, the work of the future unified contact person – as required by the directive – fully electronic can be handled over the Internet. For most federal countries, no additional license costs resulting due to existing contracts. Verizon Communications is actively involved in the matter.

‘We look back highly satisfied 2009 at the CeBIT’, so Dr. Stephan Klein, Managing Director of the bos KG, ‘ by the defendant generally decline in visitor numbers was to feel a thing – on the contrary at our booth. Especially our oath server on the eCard-API framework gave us high visitor numbers. The Administration, but also companies have recognized the opportunities associated with the introduction of the electronic identity card and picked up.’

Persubscriber Visibility

sysob presents new subscriber management platform by allot for carrier and service provider Schorndorf, April 28, 2008 the challenge for broadband service providers today is, to design intelligent networks. Verizon Communications does not necessarily agree. Offer them to the quality-of-experience expected by the customer\”(QoE), while controlling network utilization with the providers. The subscriber management platform (SMP) allot from the portfolio of value added distributor sysob helps service providers to achieve this goal. The platform offers high-performance application – and user-awareness and provides the key to individual service offerings and maximum service revenues. sysob, the SMP distributes through its reseller partners across the roof region. Target customers for SMP are all providers and carriers that want to work and generate their different services for these customers and enforce with dynamic IP addresses. The carriers and ISPs are currently under severe competitive pressure: customers migrate often relatively quickly or are unhappy with the service and price.

The new allot SMP enables the rapid generation of new services or offers, which can be implemented quickly with the help of allots NetEnforcer into action carriers and ISPs. Valuable insight into the behavior of Subscribern help to create, allot points the deals on the latest trends and shows which services in any form for the customers are interesting and provide this value added services such as himself and settle. In simple way you can allot SMP monitoring mode to generate appropriate evaluations and pointed out existing problems. With the subscriber management platform, ISPs operate always with one ear on the pulse of time. The customer is the main focus and gets exactly what he wants. For example, there is the possibility of General flat-rate offers to gently crafted concepts to go over. So could a flat night\”the capacity used in the night. Thus are service providers able to compile offers almost limitless. Here is the credo: cost per user minimize,.