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World War

Enormous farms were managed by the proper farmers, who exerted fort influence in the social matters and politics. This caused the income concentration again. In middle of century XIX the railroad was constructed, where if it gave the access to the port of Saints, it detaches that in the decade of 1821-30 the coffee was responsible for 19% of the total of exportations of the country and in 1891 this edge increased for 63%.

The port of Saints, in 1894, becomes the most important exporting center of coffee of the world (BAER, 1996). In the end of this century the economic center moved stops So Paulo, together with the coffee economy. Some attempts in the production of manufactured by the local economy had not been successful, had to the politics of open doors adopted by the government, that facilitated the importation of manufactured of better quality of the Europe. In Brazil industrialization was initiated delayed from the decade of 1840, as the following topic. The BEGINNING OF INDUSTRIALIZATION With the main objective to increase the prescription tax, the government approximately increases its tariffs of importation in 30% in the year of 1844.

In consequncia the first txteis companies appear. From then on the State stimulates the production, supplying exemption of taxes in the importation of maquinrio and raw material. In the year of 1852, Brazil possua 64 plants and workshops, being they of diverse branches: articles of leather, soap, txteis, clothes, beer, casting, glass, amongst others. The first period of industrial development in Brazil was dominated by light industries, being responsible for 57% of the industrial production in 1907 and 64% in 1919 (BAER, 1996). The productive capacity of Brazil increased in the eight years that had preceded the World War I.