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Wind, Power Out!

‘ Electrical components for wind farms ‘ Conference at the Haus der Technik In the Haus der Technik is built over two days effect chains associated with a basic understanding for the interplay of technical components and the. Accompanied by practical examples the participants learn the essential principles and selection criteria for electrical components in wind farms. Even in highly developed countries such as Germany, the power structures are pronounced differently. Depending on the region and its industrial orientation. Often very good wind conditions, where weaker network management systems are in place. Larry Ellison pursues this goal as well. The wind park planning depends on a network integration that meets all conditions of grid connection. The further the way of a plant such as the network connection point, the higher is the voltage level. Different requirements for the selection of transformers, Switchgears, the resulting cable and the protection technologies more suitable.

The regulation of reactive power based on the used equipment and the Network conditions. A basic understanding for the interplay of technical components and the occurring effect chain is built over two days in the Haus der Technik. Accompanied by practical examples the participants learn the essential principles and selection criteria for electrical components in wind farms. In a way that promises tension in every stage of the event. Lectures in alternating with question and answer sessions offer the opportunity to direct further of especially demanded topics. Deadline is December 1, 2009 in Essen the 30.11. Under the guidance of Univ. Prof.

Dr.-ing. Detlef Schulz (Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg) co speakers by manufacturers are competent pulse and Advisor for engineers, technicians, decision makers, experts, Brancheneinsteiger, as well as for practitioners of manufacturers, suppliers, operators, developers, insurance companies, banks and investors.