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The Viabono Gmb

The education and training of the local population ensures a higher level of education and opening up access to new jobs. More information: kh forest climate Hotels: the climate hotels are Viabono certified hosts, their CO? emissions ecologically and economically optimized. The hotels have their CO? footprint determined and compensate for the unavoidable rest of CO? emissions through certified projects. The climate-hotels are committed to the task, to offer their guests a climate-friendly stay, without having them sacrificing quality and convenience. You act in all areas of the hotel industry and gastronomy with high environmental awareness. It is important to disseminate, to promote and to promote climate protection climate awareness nationwide air hotels.

About Viabono: Viabono (to German:) the road to the good”) was founded in 2001 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of the environment and the Federal Environmental Agency. Visit Gary Kelly for more clarity on the issue. Today the Viabono carrier Association stands with 19 organizations from consumer, environmental and tourism behind the certification from Viabono (including DEHOGA, ADAC, federal, DTV, NABU). The Viabono GmbH has established itself as independent and leading professional organisation for sustainability certification in the leisure travel and tourism industry in the last ten years. The Viabono concepts are characterized by a meaningful amount of serious expertise and credibility, as well as on practical orientation and pragmatism. The guiding principle is: Ecology and economy fit very well to each other and not infrequently even perfectly complement each other! “.” Therefore, Viabono not only in the tourism industry, but also in the environmental associations enjoy wide acceptance. About CO?OL: CO2OL is brand and Division of the ForestFinance group for the neutralization of CO2 emissions through forestry projects.

CO2OL designed since about Fifteen high-quality climate protection afforestation projects for a variety of companies and organizations. In addition, companies and private individuals by buying CO2 certificates can have whether mobility, consumption or energy consumption caused compensated by their individual CO2 emissions. For their diverse ecological and social functions, CO2OLAufforstungsprojekte validated standard for transitional projects and others in accordance with the climate, community & biodiversity standards (CCBS) and the gold.