An immigrant struggling to find an apartment for rent, two immigrants with the same difficulties, three immigrants, four immigrants, five, etc, etc, etc and can follow Addend and Addend and Addend; and when we have found a fixed number that allows to know exactly how many immigrants have difficulties to find an apartment for rent already have come to Spain as many new immigrants that he will have to continue adding. So it seems: the problem is going to be for long. Anyway, if we stop after count them today, the result would be a very high number, therefore, before you become depressed, stop a moment and think about one thing: if Spanish mimes have problems obtaining rental housing, why foreigners who live with them in their country deserve to have more easy? The answer is as logical as simple. You don’t grow you, but face things knowing the truth in advance allows you to take better advantage of opportunities and know the risks for purposes of achieving best results. To some extent, the problem of the rental in immigrants is accentuated since about 75% of immigrants live in apartments that are not yours.

This is due to that, as it is to be expected, leads to immigrants a natural cycle of settlement to be able to acquire own housing, which can occur after many years of living in Spanish soil. Taking into account these data, and adding the reality that immigrants are about 10% of the Spanish population and that around 40% of the total number of dwellings for rent in Spain are occupied by immigrants, is evidenced that there is a niche market that real estate agents have to meet (despite the reticence that owners may impose). What immigrants are seeking as a guideline for selection and types of housing that are housed, immigrants opt to lease either very small houses that close the 25 or 30 square meters or well, by contrast, larger dwellings the average, i.e., greater than 100 square meters, where they can install to your family, or sublet rooms. Nor is it easy for an immigrant to obtain exactly the home you are looking for, because they faced as much demand of flats for rent by Spanish citizens, immigrants have to go by opting for floors that they do not pick up or discarded, i.e. those found on the peripheries or which are in a worse state. It is important that when looking for a flat, immigrants will do the necessary to deny these practices and be able to pick a worthy of being inhabited floor. Where to find your apartment rental places that go in search for an apartment for rent being immigrant are not different from those who attend being Spanish. Basically: networks of friends, real estate agencies, apartment for rent Max Maxwell graduate in advertising and communications by the Autonomous University of Barcelona journalist specialized in the classifieds market.