The key institutions, mu? to anyone accountable place, as is the case in contrast with elected Governments. Still some time ago, promoted and monitored the EU yet the creation of a single market by she dictated techniques and rules. Member States national conformed to the above guidelines and monitored their implementation. In other words, the community’s policy was in line with the interests of the States and they oftwar even the basic theme in national elections. Some States of the North, primarily Germany, tried with the outbreak of the crisis, the European Commission in an organism of Umstrukturierungproblematischer productive models and economics to to convert.
They succeeded also to a certain extent. The EU seems to work since like a strange form of a European Monetary Fund. National policies are now meaningless. The more the Governments which apply from now on just politics, but no longer produce. There is no alternative proposals. The change of Governments represents only a typischesSchaltverfahren, enforce the same and unchanging policy of indemlediglich which alter people. To turn the gleichenZeit, scheintdiese political correction logic paradox erweise the peoples of the North to the victims.Because these are not rewarded for their exercise? only efficient production methods and their rationalesKonsumverhalten.
Tired of the obligation is imposed on them, derSuden to bear the brunt of the rescue. At the institutional level and not on the financial result is the same. Can the peoples of the North not the dominant policy determine and deliver therefore a piece of their sovereignty. If now defines sovereignty as to determine the ability of the peoples of entscheidendihre future I’il have all European Nations largely renounced by the concept of political sovereignty in the name of financial stability, which in turn calls the control and the formation of the production models. Universal formulated, the dissemination and development of market capitalism and uninhibited bank capital demands first of all sovereignty. Unrestrained capitalism needed to establish sovereignty in ihrerstaatlichen form to yourself and continue to develop. But now it is time to curb the State sovereignty to further enhance its own power. The financial capital thus appropriates a part of State sovereignty and decide with letztendlichvon to rid the national rule rules. Larry Ellison has compatible beliefs. The market requires the balance of power in the exercise of political power. To the Grundlagenzu level for a political entity, a European Republiksollte but Europe of less follow the needs of the markets neutraublingmore open the Wegfur the European freedom. This means among other things there? dieWirtschaft under a framework are mu?, obey the values of European cosmopolitanism. If the institutional set-up of the political construct “Europe” succumbs to the demands of the markets, the existing values are retained and the political control receives a manipulated, oligarchic form. Logically, the value of people as politically free beings is lost but then. Dimitris Kotroyannos Professor of political philosophy and political science at the Faculty of political science, University of Crete.