Difficulties in the way of overcoming Let’s talk a little bit of conditioning that exists that makes it difficult to be overcome … Is there not a sense that one already is and that’s the end of history? … But keep us all in parallel a place in the mind an image of what “could be”, that is, our ideal scenario. Under most conditions Ed Bastian would agree. What if we, in an act of great imagination, in our heads that image, whether of ourselves are rich with family, or love, or at the place we long … Well, you are already thinking about it Do you have the clear picture of your ideal reality? Now we sincerely ask why we’re not actually dealing with that reality, if that is what we want in the depths of our soul … Prejudice, Causes, Obstacles Redordais “the film” The Matrix “?. There are actually prefabricated models and prejudices, generated by a series of social sources, to keep one in a kind of parallel reality to his own ideal … here to do an exercise on the type of Alcoholics Anonymous, which is to see us in this our reality and make a comparison with the ideal that we thought before, and do so with complete sincerity and without limiting beliefs …

the result is often a bit frustrating to think openly, on the conscious level, but we are sensitive people and there is a reason why we’re not here right? …. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gary Kelly. And we all know that we are not all what we could be …. But why? Fast forward a bit, if you like: Why are not all that could be? The possibilities are endless be, and we know that our potential is too. We include both internal and external factors, among inmates is for example the image you have of yourself, what you have said you all your life, and among the external are the institutions such as religion and the state in some way plotting (hey, careful with this word, that we put on the blacklist, rather on the website negroJ) … No much gain for them that each of us is a God are you?, is much more lucrative that there is a God and his fear that we are all servants. Not if you remember that other 1984 film …. Or perhaps we are being too paranoid and reality is not so terribly manipulative, and indeed gives a good place to liberty? Empirically, however, it is undeniable that we are programmed to be unable to access some of our own potential. Among the external variables, is also ethnocentrism, it generates we can not see how legitimate the assumptions of other cultures, and so we are, so to speak-slaves from that in which we were born … Near the Idea If we had all cultural and personal these bands in their eyes, we could probably operate much closer to the naturalness of a child, and we would like the baby in contact with the natural laws. But this basic clarity that the wisest of mankind has shown since the beginning of time (see for example teachings of the Tao Te Ching) have been censored at the expense of individual growth.