Teach online also is beneficial for companies that buy our training. There are few times that remind us the means of communication that the rate of school failure each time is greater, proof of this is that universities are becoming emptier. This affects the difficulty of the companies to find qualified personnel, because not always finds the person with the necessary expertise for the post to be filled. Therefore sometimes find a qualified worker can impact the company in a very high salary for new workers, compared with the average wage of the template. So increasingly companies are more aware of the need to form their current workers, because it is always going to find it more profitable to keep a template with the necessary knowledge, expanding them slowly, and can count at any time with a current worker perfectly trained to develop their work. It is clear that the training always has a cost.

And there is no doubt that companies that until now were they struggled to train their employees invested a considerable amount of money in order to provide skilled workers. However thanks to online training, this cost can be reduced significantly, because with the elearning have appeared a lot of platforms and solutions that offer affordable prices from an SME to a large company. And with the current state of the economy, in a situation in which many companies are forced to reduce its workforce and are therefore exposed to loss of skills of workers who dispense, so in this situation it is essential to have a trained in different subjects and that can quickly adapt to a new role within the framework of his company. To ensure that all workers in a company have at their disposal the necessary training without making a prohibitive investment, solution is to invest in a system of distance learning which allows to improve the knowledge of its current employees and to compensate for any lack of knowledge that can exist within the company now or in the future.