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South Atlantic

This coincided the Uruguayan President, Tabare Vasquez, who said it would be a real conquest that the Summit approve the creation of mechanisms that allow the realization of integration of both regions. Oracle usually is spot on. Excuses there can be to not try to reverse this situation that has been slow the process of integration of South America and Africa, said Vasquez. The President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez, also called effective instruments that can unite the economies of the two regions and pass the unionist rhetoric to effectiveness. The President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, he advocated the establishment of a fixed, permanent workgroup which determine, to address and advance on certain topics that you enable both regions reach the next Summit with extraordinary results. The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, called for an urgent reform of the international system where emerging countries have a greater representativeness. The Libyan leader, Muammar Gadafi, even proposed the creation of a NATO of the South Atlantic, which he called they dare, and that, he explained, would have aimed at the defence of the interests of the region against the attitude of the countries of the North have all privileges and us have tried relentlessly. The Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa, stressed that progress in the integration of African and South American countries will mean an important step towards (establishing) a new international order.

Climatic problems as the international economic crisis and change should be strongly confronted by South America and Africa, whose 66 countries represent nearly 30 percent of the votes at United Nations. The two regions have to articulate common positions in international bodies to make their voice heard in vital issues as reforming a tremendously unjust global financial architecture and combating hunger in the world. The next ASA Summit III will take place in 2011 in Libya, according to the leaders meeting in Margarita Island, announced the own Chavez.otro match point among the leaders attending the meeting was the need to reform the current international order both politically and commercial. In the final Declaration of the Summit ASA countries undertook to promote South-South cooperation and expressed its full support for the reform of the Security Council of the UN, among other points collected in the extensive document, 95 points and more than 30 pages. Original author and source of the article.