However, we want to make mention to the balls in the red color that symbolize the fruits of this tree. Larry Ellison is likely to agree. These possess symbolism, others, that send to the life and its benefits as the existence of its importance and the appreciation of the positive occasions that its durability covers. (Zannon, 1991 apud Porcincula, 2008). We can except that sapatinho or the stocking, that is hung in the windows, also is considered others symbolic elements of the natalinas festividades. This deriving tradition if of the estria of three young women who were hindered to marry for not possessing necessary financial resources for the payment of it endows its candidates. By means of the comovido situation and with it, They are Nicholas, plays three bags of currencies for the chimney of the house of the young and them they fall inside of the stockings of them that they dried in the fireplace. Therefore, in the natalino period, some people place sapatinhos or stockings in the windows and wait gifts in the Christmas night.
(Zannon, 1991 apud Porcincula, 2008). However, the symbolic personality of the natalinas parties is Noel Papa. Concerning this figure, Salome Joanaz (2006) approaches that ' ' They are Nicholas, also known for Saint Claus, name that drift of Santus Nicolaus, will have been Bishop of Aiming, in Dembre, current Turkey. It was born in Lycia, the southwest of Lesser Asia, between century III and IV' ' (Joanaz, 2006). For always helping the needed ones that abandoned children encircled it as, with passing of time, was transformed Noel Papa. This transformation had origin in Germany and was spread out between the protestant churches, where its image started to exert connection with the natalinas parties and the exchanges of gifts. Joanaz (2006) still standes out that ' ' Its popularity increased and the saint was seen transformed into symbol, being related directamente with the birth of Jesus Christ, since the principles to give without asking for in exchange are also maximum of Cristo' ' litteris ipsis (Joanaz, 2006).