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Product Design and Performance

Thirty-five of experience in domestic submersible electric vibration, "brook" permanent work on improving product design and performance, the use of new modern materials, meeting safety standards, helped to create an original design of the pump brook for the most demanding to the quality of the consumer. During the entire period of the life of mankind people have experienced need for water, which is not surprising, because the water is for the most essential factor of human existence. For many centuries the best minds of humanity solved the problem of getting water from the depths land. Make water readily available and at the same low-cost to the public and many are now trying to pump company in Russia, CIS and foreign countries. Specialised pumping of OAO "Livgidromash" (G.Livny, Orel region), helps to solve this difficult task with a small, quite unpretentious, but the energetic pump "brook" Household Vibration submersible pump brook (Livna), used for pumping and lifting water from wells and wells with nominal width exceeding 100 mm., with a depth of 60 meters, as well as for pumping fresh water from any water bodies, water temperature not exceeding 35 0C. Brook pump can be used for drinking water homes, cottages, farms, utilities and industrial facilities. For watering gardens and orchards, as well as for domestic water supply. Brook pump provides water to the horizontal distance of over 100 m.

The brook Submersible Pump constructively with the top of the fence is made of water, which provides constant cooling of the electromagnetic system, protecting it from overload. The upper water intake eliminates cloudy water in the spring and suction from the bottom solids (silt, sand, kamyshkov …) Each pump brook runs full acceptance testing by the manufacturer of "Livgidromash" and does not need to be checked for serviceability and compliance specifications when purchasing it in the trading organization. Warranty pump brook – 18 months from the date of the sale! The design allows the pump brook work without supervision. The electric pump has a certificate of brook Conformity of Russia ROSS RU. AYA45.V04300 and meets regulatory requirements of GOST R IEC 60335-2-41-98, GOST R 51318.14.1-99, GOST R 51318.14.2-99. Currently on the market of household products present a pumping mass similar goods, as well, and of dubious quality. Private buyer always has a choice – "What pump to buy him? Cheaper or more expensive? ". It is difficult to give any advice, but in most cases, a Russian proverb – "Miserly pay twice" is right as right, it is often true of buying a pump for irrigation on the plot.

According to independent experts, giving an estimate of production, household electric pump, "brook" VWD 0,12-40, production JSC "Livgidromash" (g.Livny, Orel region) is one of the best in quality, reliability and compliance with the parameters set out in his passport and actually issued to the pump. This year, the submersible electric pump home "Brook" VWD 0,12-40 production of JSC "Livgidromash" became the winner of the "100 best goods of Russia", and this is not the first, and hopefully not the last award of such rank, awarded by our little toiler your backyard site. Scheme of the assembly and construction of pump brook offer wholesale domestic pump a trickle (Beer), the low prices of domestic DEALER on Pump Livgidromash. Warranty and service.