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Building Physics IBP

Gypsum mining to promote research – 30-year cooperation between Fraunhofer IBP and plaster-Weiss Foundation how to improve the acoustics and performance in Office? What recycled materials offer the best heat – and sound insulation? Are a real alternative to the glass membrane construction? These and similar questions from the construction sector, researchers in the cooperation between plaster School Foundation and the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP deal since now more than 30 years. This long-term cooperation was celebrated on the 1st of December. At the same time, the plaster-Weiss Foundation awarded their student plaster Schule Prize to successful young scientists. In the last 30 years, the plaster School Foundation (GSS) and the Fraunhofer IBP has achieved much. To read more click here: Gary Kelly. Patented products for the middle class of the region Stuttgart and southern Germany resulted in joint research and development projects in the area of new building materials, components and construction methods, environmentally friendly way. Also the promotion of young scientists was in the last years the focus of the work of the Foundation.

In terms of the promotion of young scientists, the plaster student prize is awarded since 1993. He awarded this year outstanding degree and theses dealing with construction, which correspond to the objectives of the Foundation, namely new technologies for environmentally sound construction and to develop. Whether presented gypsum foam for soundproofing, components from porosiertem recycled glass or dirt-repellent coatings in the past few years the award-winning a number of innovative developments. This year three awards worth up to 1,000 euros were awarded within the framework of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary to graduands of the Fraunhofer IBP for their theses. “We want to help young people during their studies at an early stage for the exciting field of research to be interested in them.

For this reason we award individual scholarships, launch the prize or support individual chairs,”explains Thomas Ducree, Board the plaster-Weiss Foundation.With Stifter family school 30-year research funding should be honored also of today’s award 5. plaster Barry. Key criteria such as energy efficiency, sustainability, a responsible approach with existing resources and private-sector commitment to science and research is still up-to-date even 80 years after founding the precursor Institute of the Fraunhofer IBP through the founder, Prof. Klaus Sedlbauer, Director of the Institute of the Fraunhofer IBP and Professor of the Chair of building physics of the University of Stuttgart, positive highlight. In 1929 the founder of plaster works worked Schule, Eduard Schule, in establishing the Institute of sound and heat technology, the predecessor of the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP. The former goals were as up-to-date as it is today: scientific and technical economic in the field of sound and heat protection in the House, to solve the problems, housing and road construction in direct reference to the practice. 1965 was then the plaster Schule Foundation from the estate of the 2nd generation of the family Schule established, initially with the purpose to assist the employees with the proceeds of the endowment. Extension of the Foundation’s purpose 1978 set that selfless promotion of research, especially in the field of new materials and construction methods especially their small and medium-sized businesses should benefit the whole economy of the country, of the scientific findings. To achieve these goals, the Foundation sought a partner, which she found in the Fraunhofer IBP in 1979 and established its own plaster Schule building at the Fraunhofer Institute Centre in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. To date, a number of developments to companies in southern Germany was handed over on the basis of the cooperation agreement between GSS and Fraunhofer IBP.