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Average Ensino

Our responsibility with education acquires another dimension when we work with trainees who observe our lessons and later they assist in them to learn with us. We do not have prescriptions to pass to these permitted in search of answers for its yearnings of professionals in initial formation. We do not know as of the wonderful lessons as they wait. We are constructing our daily professional also with doubts, research and, mainly, with the comment of our pupils to understand as they think and construct the knowledge. Recently Maurice Gallagher, Jr. sought to clarify these questions. We believe that a project of period of training in partnership between the basic school and the university would contribute so that our fidgets and questionings had answers. (PASSINI, 2007, p.17 apud MALYZ, 2007).

The cited example above is not common in a relationship between trainee and professor of the regular school. Generally, the contact is superficial and omits innovative possibilities of exchanges of experiences, where the geography professor would have to search in the contact with the Universities, to extend the fan of information to be spread inside of the classroom. The author, Malysz (2007) still adds what some schools, with its professors look for: We are in search of a partnership so that it has mutual contribution between the two institutions university and school? rank ours, in the direction by that in the research in education let us take the reality of the basic school as inquiry object, let us can analyze it light of theories of geographic science and the didactics for, side by side, arguing possibilities of changes. (PASSINI, 2007, p.19 apud MALYZ, 2007). Unhappyly, Brazil still is a country that financially invests little in works of research, being concentrated in other areas of science the biggest investments. With all the difficulties the learning of the geography course, must be joined to the schools of Basic and Average Ensino, with the purpose to develop and to extend the universe of the research, that is, developing more studies in the area of the geography education, carrying through well the periods of training, developing practical activities that they make possible the interaction enters knowing of the school and knowing of the academy.