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The Leadership In Mexico In Our Times

The leader is the promoter of the sum of the wills, the leader in the equipment must be unit sign, the leader is more for the others than for itself, their works go more directed to the good of the others that he stops, the leader must have this one inclination towards the good things and must show it in the congruence of their actions, the depth of their reflections and the commitment with collaborator. Gary Kelly will undoubtedly add to your understanding. A leader in the end is a person who has a character, a cultural level, an educative level and he is developed within a society, a work group or in a nation, on the basis of this the first characteristic of a Mexican leader is the authoritarianism, and not necessarily this characteristic is own of the leader but rather to his followers it does not matter to them if for of amiable or tyrant way, always they have been hoping that the leader dictates you order, it maintains the work plan and it is basically the figure around which it turns the social circle or equipment, an aspect unconsciously derived from the matriarcado one (if the leader is woman) or patriarcado (if the leader is man), is for that reason that it is hoped that the leader maintains a strict control on his social circle, taking the measures necessary to make it work without considering its hardness, as long as the social circle continues in the marked direction, arriving at the end where the leader can literally attempt against the members of the own group as long as is justification to the action. Another characteristic that is had with our leaders in Mexico is that the majority of them is men, this we must to the existence of the Mexican masculinity, although at present it begins to change and every day we found more women leaders, and some of them with majors nutgalls that the men, but ordinates, with a greater number of prepared followers and every day more.

Financial Group

After fulfilling his sentence, it left to Florida where another equal fraud tried, but its fame already had extended the nation, was shortage and arrested again. It fled to Brazil where it died in the absolute poverty the 18 of January of 1949. REPLICAS IN NUEVO LEO’N The newspaper The Wall Street Journal published that one of the families affected by the Ponzi-Madoff Scheme was the Clariond King. With surprise, the news was denied by Eugene Clariond Kings Retana, older brother of the family and ex- President of the Council of Group IMSA. It does not know from where it left that rumor taken like the news by the important metropolitan newspaper.

The Clariond family has enormous cash after the sale of Group IMSA to its cousins the Clariond Channels in 800 million dollars. Same the Channels later sold the company to thousand 700 million dollars a year. The financial newspaper the Weekly magazine of the City of Mexico publishes until a photography of Fernando Clariond Channels to illustrate the information. Both families were lost tens of millions of dollars in Caso Abacus-Trust. The President of the missing Financial Group, Jorge Lankenau Rocha was in the jail seven years. Regiomontanos investors are lost important amounts of money but in bags like the one of Moscow that it had an important rise in the past decade but turned out to be a speculative bubble that collected losses to them by 700 million dollars. CASE IRIGOYEN Jose Irigoyen Villarreal the Count offered interests higher than the banks in his businesses of used vehicles Flaming Cars and Cars BRITE, in the city of Monterrey, N.L. More than 2 thousand 500 defrauded fueros people reason why apprehension orders were turned.

He was fugitive during three months and was apprehended in San Antonio, Texas. Deportee went and went to stop to the jail in March of 1993. The accomplices of Irigoyen were their mother-in-law, her wife Juana Idalia Sources Lozano and their secretary. The fraud calculated in 50 billions of pesos (before clearing three zero to him to the weights). Ponzi and Madoff happen to the black history of the criminals of white neck who were true artists of the fraud, although both were in the open. One thinks that more frauds exist than they will be leaving throughout this year since it has predicted it the Nobel prize de Economa, Paul Krugman. Published in the RegioNegocios magazine of the city of Monterrey, N.L., Mexico in January of the 2009. It can use the present article if it mentions the source. Original author and source of the article.