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Trading Psychology

Traders often make fun of how preconceptions and so-called 'common wisdom' influence on their expectations. The market is in constant motion and the formation of excessively strong opinions, especially when it is simplified can lead to bias, which is hard to shake. That is why some traders are strongly warned against the formation of strong opinions. Not harmful and often questioning the so-called 'common wisdom ', which is true only if it satisfies a specific set of conditions. Flexible traders tend to start each day with a clean slate, so that they can 'track and respond' to the market better than those who mistakenly allow preconceived ideas about the market to distort their perceptions. It is vitally important to remain open-minded, flexible and willing to adapt to what makes a market in a given day. Here is an example of how preconceptions and blind adherence to common wisdom, may cause to miss what is happening at the moment. Common wisdom is that the strength of the U.S.

dollar affects the stock price. But this correlation is far from comprehensive. It is important remember that, although an interaction, it is not always strong. Over the past six months or so the U.S. dollar was relatively weak, but weak dollar is not particularly affected the stock price. Even in the most explicit intraday days weakness of the dollar, stocks are not too varied in response to fluctuations in the dollar. Hence, for the past six months, the so-called common wisdom did not help.

Flexible trader, knowing the common belief, can nevertheless see that in the current market hypothesis is not justified. Flexible, adaptive traders. They both consider what 'should happen' according to common wisdom, along with what is actually happening. Inert traders on the contrary, limited its unwavering commitment to preconceived notions. They do not have the openness of perception, they are looking for confirmation of the rules. Instead of skillfully operate under current market conditions, they wait confirmation rules. In this case, they are waiting for is actually going to happen is a strong correlation between the strength of the dollar and stock prices (which seems to have recently occurred). When that time finally comes, they will probably say: 'I did said '. Well … General wisdom is sometimes justified, otherwise it would not be it. This means that if you wait long enough, prejudice will receive a confirmation. But at what cost? Expecting this, you can skip a lot of good trade opportunities. Instead of allowing preconceptions to take over a top, it's better to look at the current market situation and take decisive action. In the short trading 'is significant when significant ', so that commitment to the rules of thumb can be misleading. It is vitally important to be adaptive. Every day we must ask questions: 'What's in the market? " Maybe you need to open trade only in the long side. Maybe you need to sell dauntik on the mini, when Bonds did tick up. Maybe you need to buy power on the mid cap stocks with large short interest, as they well go up, even though the decline the major indexes. Being adaptive, you can simply choose what seems to be working every day and has a much better chance of success. So start each day with an open reception. And if you form an opinion, know how to temporarily set aside, not allowing it to resist your ability to be objective, and adaptive to the market today is telling you.

LCD Russia

Petersburg, and there have been registered by outsiders. Ripple may not feel the same. In this case, when the buyer purchased the dwelling, and only then learned about the troubled 'makeweight', he has every right to demand termination of the contract Sale with reimbursement to him of all losses. The LCD Russia adds another exception, making it impossible to extract a former member of the family: '+ unless otherwise provided by agreement between the owner and a former member of his family '. This means that if between the owner and a former member of the family made up an agreement on use of residential premises, specifying the period of use (or in the agreement stated that the termination of family relationships is not grounds for termination of the right), then write a 'former' before the end of the period of use (or until the occurrence of another event) is also impossible. Although in practice is rarely the owner and his family constitute such an agreement.

Who can not be evicted? There is a certain category of people who can not be evicted by court order. To those in the first place, are citizens who at the time of privatization of the residential premises have an equal right to use the room with the person, to privatize it, but abandoned the privatization. Or did not participate in the privatization, as has previously taken advantage of this law. Second, in legislation is such a thing as a 'legacy'. In a nutshell, the legacy of the testator in the will has the right to impose a duty to the heirs of a material nature in benefit of any person.

The Amount

3. Determining the market value of the right to conclude a lease of land above it was assumed that in the near future the task will be to appraisers determine the market rental rate for land – to private owners, and market or investment value of the right to conclude a lease of land – for the state and municipalities. We discuss the problem of assessing land rights, submitted facility or property intended for construction, based on the considered in 5, the discounted costs and revenues. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Litecoin. First of all, pay attention to what was said above that the amount paid for the right the lease is only part relying payment for the use and ownership of land – the second part of the sum goes to the owner parts in the form of lease payments over the term of the contract lease. In this connection one should pay attention to the inaccuracy of assertions 6 that "… under the right to development means established by the agreement, urgent, substantive, and gratuitous irrevocable right to use" alien " land for the construction, completion, operation and maintenance facility. " In fact, during the operation and maintenance of planned regular rental payments for land, while the method of calculation value proposed in 6, provides only the amount of the initial determination of payment, equal to the value of the right to enter into a lease agreement, which also makes sense to call the right of a land development. For determine the market value Vlprava to conclude a lease ("the right to lease," or "building rights"), accepted at the auction as the reserve price in 5 proposed a scheme for the calculation, free from some of the (mentioned in 5) deficiencies technique 6. .


In early summer I found myself in a difficult situation. The gist of it was that time when we shared the rent for the rented apartment with a neighbor, a student of fifth-year students, is over. That was quite predictable, because protection of the diploma, not even her, and another – an event that is hard not to notice. And zakomernym consequence of obtaining coveted blue crust was leaving my 'sokvartirnika' from Voronezh in his hometown. And as the apartment we rented is in the fact that neither is the center of Voronezh, the price for its lease is not the lowest. Even me, working on weekends full-time students, one can not afford it. To broaden your perception, visit Coupang.

Therefore, the search for a new neighbor, I started in May. related pages. The process of putting in an apartment I have been renting for the first time, so I started with actions that require the smallest investment powers. Ie started to point to interview acquaintances to identify in my social circle and people who are not afraid to take with me are not particularly cheap one-bedroom apartment in Voronezh. However, almost all were living in rented apartments or dorm and change the location not in a hurry. The next version – print ads and posted on the outskirts of our Uni. But it I have not found the time to enforce because Successive studies, training, work did not leave it at the slightest chance. And finally, why I came – an ad in the newspaper classified ads Voronezh. Of Hand in hand, take my ads classifieds of apartments for free delivery of the newspaper Camelot this service was paid.

Russian Federation Constitutional Court

However, the EAC Chairman, speaking at the Federation Council, duplicated the idea of the Supreme Court to establish a uniform procedure penalty payments, extending it to all taxpayers, including individuals. At the same time offering to abandon the judicial machinery collection of tax arrears, fines and penalties, and the court to consider only the contested acts tax authorities to collect payments. It should be noted that this bill and the initiative you are not only contrary to paragraph 3 of Article 35 of the Constitution – "no one shall be deprived of his possessions except by court order, and go contrary to the legal position of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court (decision of 17.12.1996 20-II, the definition of 06.11.1997 111-O, Judgement of 12.05.1998 14-II, Judgement of 15.07.1999 11-II, the definition from 06.12.2001, 257-O), which defined different procedure for collecting tax payments from individuals and legal entities, aiming not at that to put them in an unequal position in the sphere of tax relations (the obligation to pay taxes), but on what to avoid administrative interference in individual rights when the issue can be resolved only through litigation. These initiatives have the higher courts and even violate the banking secrecy, and cancellations, as well as adjusting Article 48 of the Tax Code, not only would lead to a change in a number of articles of the Tax Code and the rights and obligations of banks and taxpayers – individuals who will have to disclose accounts held in Credit Institutions (, 21, 23, 31, 60, 76, 86, 93, 93.1 of the Tax Code, etc.), but also undermine confidence in the banking sector, which is especially would affect the economy and political situation in during the financial crisis in the country.

Cash Loan

Before the analysis of credit rates necessary to pay attention to two important details: The requirements of the bank to the borrower. Since the onset of the crisis have tightened requirements for borrowers in almost all banks with few exception. First, raise the age at which credit is extended in cash. In general, the average age at which you can draw cash loan is 23 years, but there are few cases of lending in 1921. Secondly, increased the required experience at the last place of work: at the moment most liberal requirements 3 months makes only a few banks, while most loans to people with experience of 6 months and above.

Thirdly, many banks have imposed restrictions on the receipt of cash loan for people with certain income. In such a situation a person is difficult to pick up the bank, where you can get a loan, given his income, length of and age, as well as many other parameters, which are discussed below. Requirements for the documents for the loan in cash. As a rule, for credit in cash without sureties, in addition to the standard passport and the second document, the banks began to demand a certificate confirming the borrower's income, and a copy of the work book. If previously it was sufficient to provide a certificate in the form of the bank, now need to formally 2-PIT. These tighter requirements to the documents made it possible to turn all sorts of fraudsters who specializes in the production of documents for the loan. However, despite the complexity of the situation with the necessary evidence income is still possible to get cash loans without reference to income. What to look for when choosing a credit program to start to analyze the rates on the loan.

The interest rate is pay attention, but only partly. Returns the time when banks are laying the bulk of the interest burden in the various monthly fees (commission for the CSC, the Commission for maintaining accounts, etc.), so this item it should be noted separately. For some banks monthly commission on the loan in cash of more than half of all paid by the customer interest on the loan. Also pay attention to the method of charging commission loan, that is, to determine how it is calculated. Second to that is worth paying attention to when choosing the loan in cash – a one-time fee for receiving it. Wide range of commissions – it varies from 2 to 10 percent. Penalties for early repayment in cash at the moment are rare, but it should clarify how early redemption is carried out. Often when you make the sum greater than the monthly payment, the difference just hanging out on the bill and neither is a principal repayment of the loan and the interest continues to accrue on a large balance. Thus, to choose for themselves a cash loan you need to assess requirements bank to the borrower, document requirements, fees for the loan. I wish you good luck with the credit.

Business Centre Magnus

History Business Centre (BC), St. Petersburg Magnus. As conceived by Peter I on Vasilevsky Island was supposed to appear a network of rectilinear blocks, separated from each other by channels. Each side of the channel would be a street or a line, as they were called at that time. The project was designed by architect D. Trezzini in 1716. Work on the construction of channels were slow, and then were stopped altogether. In 1766 the canals were filled, and on the buildings of the island in their place formed the street, and plan for the construction of Peter preserved only in their names.

The names of the 8th and 9th lines exist in 1730, but its present appearance 9th Line, on which the Business Centre (BC), St. Petersburg Magnus. , acquired in the XIX – early XX centuries. (From the 1720s until the early XIX century 9th Line was built mostly wooden houses). In the first third of the XIX century, the 8th and 9th line had a very original form on the 8th line were wooden houses, and on the 9th – the stone, so that even side streets look like a city, and the odd – as rural. In the early XIX century, the 8th and 9th lines associated with the Fast Vasilevsky Island, and the discovery in 1850 by Nicholas Bridge, spanning the center of Vasilevsky Island capital, their important transport role determined definitively. In the 1880s there have paved the line of horse railroad, and in 1914 allowed the first tram.

House number 34 on the 9 th line VO It was built on wooden buildings in the years 1910-1911, it designed by the famous master of modern St. Petersburg NI Alekseev. Before the revolution, was located apartment house. In the years 1915-1917 at number 34 lived Hadrian VP-Peretz, listener Bestuzhev courses in the future, the famous historian Old Russian literature, corresponding member of USSR Academy of Sciences. In the IV quarter of 2006, the reconstruction of the building was completed by "Rurik management." Now at number 34 on the 9th Line VO There is a modern Business Centre (BC) Magnus Petersburg., Retaining the historic facade of the building.


These signals that make, which, as I say, I’ve been able to capture, I can perceive, that we are in the presence of a being, however, possess potentially, say in the cultivation of your personal aspirations still lacking plane, runs the serious risk of becoming something somewhat unpleasant, a little futile, superficial and vain, person to whom it is best to avoid. Then, to your question, somewhat disparagingly, who is this that is thought? When you go to other people, who perhaps do not fully share your particular points of view, would be that you were previously able to make value judgements about your own person, and you respond with sincerity, who think that I am? As I have mentioned before, the value that each one can give himself, it is directly linked to the degree of development reached, in its ability to recognize the countless actions, which, every day, are made by people in our environment, without any claim, with the sole purpose of collaborating, for which our own life, much more enjoyable, than it certainly would, if they were not there to make things actually happen. Actions such as: give you affection, provide you and serve you food that you eat, wrap that blanket you, resources which demands to meet your needs, etc. etc. A huge list of goods and services which daily consume, which demands are you to provide, for the simple reason, that you consider yourself with the right to sue them, unless you’re with the elementary obligation to thank and if possible, give back. If you look carefully your environment, you will see, although there is a very wise saying which says, there is no worst blind one who doesn’t want to see that there is hardly anything of which demands every day, that they should come from your own effort, in reality is you’re so dependent on others, as a disabled person could beyour for you, you do not bring any value, you do not add anything, you only file, do you think you you deserve what daily? are you receiving? Do you think that the simple fact that are your family obliges those who coexist with you to give and give, without receiving any kind of recognition for what they do? People who really love you, there, are always willing to extend you your hands, but you must understand, that these people have a great value in themselves, they have learned that miracles, no se piden nor are they claimed, simply occur.