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Mathematical Modeling

It stops Biembengut (1999) the great development of science in the last few decades, must in part to the application of the mathematics, this called the attention for the effect that the applied mathematics and the models had started to have in education. Gary Kelly contributes greatly to this topic. The use of the Modeling in the education is recent, however in the last decade it comes gaining space. In diverse countries, being that in some of them they are being developed experiences on the education of the mathematical applications with process of construction of models in the formation of the professor. In Brazil still the Universities are few that if worry in providing to its academics of its courses of Licenciatura periods of training in the industries or agriculture, in order to only allow a deeper vision regarding the mathematical applications in these activities, limiting themselves to demand certain amount of hours in classroom, to serve as period of training, not providing to the academic experiences with applications of the mathematics, what it would make possible one bigger incursion of this professional in the work market. This can become an obstacle the adoption of the study with Mathematical Models, taking the academic the association of some pertaining to school contents that are possible to be related with its reality, not becoming of this form the education of the mathematics, many times not motivated and meaningless.

The Mathematical Modeling then as says Biembengut (2002), is the way to make to interact the two awaken sets the mathematics, in such a way can say that Mathematical Modeling is all process of boarding of a problem not-mathematician, involving the construction of a model to the process of construction of the knowledge, called Mathematical Modeling. As Biembengut (1999) the main objective of the Mathematical Modeling is to invite the pupil to explore mathematically, not mathematical situations having finally its mathematical formation. If this process results in a mathematical model, the activities is also recognized as modeling. For Bassanezi (1998) the modeling in classroom consists of dividing the pupils in groups, which must choose interest subjects to be investigated by means of the mathematics, however folloied by the professor. However we do not have to take the pupil to think that it is only important in the mathematics what it is applied in the daily reality, therefore Bassanezi (2002) still affirms that great part of the mathematical ideas has origin in empirical situations that when worked they enveredam for the way of the aesthetic one and the more if move away from the origin situation, greater the danger that comes if to become in accumulated of complex and little significant details. To work with the mathematics in education is not only a question to extend knowledge in mathematics, but above all of if structuralizing the way to think and to act of the individual.


This can be affirmed by Hisses (2007), when sample that we are passing for what relative evolution is called, therefore our per capita income, that already was the second greater in the years of 1960, had a retrocession and recovered, passing, in this period, of fifth for the fourth position. Therefore, of certain form, this State submits its economy to the logic of capitalist expansion that establishs connection and integrates the paradigms globally taxes for the Brazilian society. It receives subsidies, incentives, exemptions, as also it constructs to all the infrastructure demanded for the enterprises of the private sector, placing in its function to promote the economic dynamics and to the public power the paper of auxiliador in this process. 3 HISTORICAL BRIEFING OF the SPROUTING AND ECONOMIC AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF the CITY OF the CHRISTMAS the city of the Christmas was created in 25 of December 1597 to the edges of the River Potengi for the Portuguese who when arriving had found much resistance as much of the natives, the indians, how much of the Frenchmen. Bernard Golden is often quoted on this topic. The expedition commanded for the captain-mor of Pernambuco, Manuel de Mascarenhas Man, had as main objective to reconquer the captainship of the Rio Grande that until then was at the hands of the Frenchmen, which smuggled, for the Europe, the Wood Brazil with the support of the indians potiguares. After reconquering the captainship, the Portuguese had given to beginning the construction of $fortaleza Dos Reis Magos with intention to prevent the commercial relations between the Frenchmen and the aboriginal people. The place chosen for the foundation of the city was to the right edge of the River Potengi for if to present as a high and firm place, known until the present time as High City. The first street was nominated as Street Great was in this street that was established the old First Church.

Colonial Period

One another component of economic value was the sugar cane-of-sugar that was characterized as an important agricultural product of the Brazilian economy since the Colonial Period. Its changes had arrived at the Brazilian territory in the year of 1532 in the expedition of Martin Alfonso de Souza having been implanted in diverse captainships of the country. However, in the Rio Grande of the North, the culture of this product did not get great success, restricting itself it the south of the State. In captainship, the most important device was the Device of the Cunha, established in 1630. Ahead of this, Toscano (2001) affirms that with climate less favorable to the culture of the sugar cane-of-sugar, the state becomes center of creation of cattle for supplying of the too much captainships northeast. At this time, also it starts to gain importance the exploration of the salt, that soon attracts the dutch interest.

With the bad performance of the canavieira activity in the State, the cattle one, that basically it was a economic activity of subsistence, was developed with the creation of cattle in great farms destined to the supplying of the other next captainships. The farms of cattle creation had originated the districts that today form the 166 cities of the state of the Rio Grande of the North. Currently, the economy of the Rio Grande of the North meets in full development. This is decurrent of some areas of economic expansion that are productive bases of the market. The production is perceived that and the generation of wealth and income of the State continues depending, mainly, of the natural resources. The economic-social development north-river-grandense is deposited in some economic sectors. The salt, the oil, the natural gas, the fruticultura, the tourism, the ore, the carcinicultura and the bovinocultura are the main sectors. In ' ' ranking' ' of the Northeast Region, with data of the IBGE and taking as base the socioeconmicos pointers, the State, per two decades come assuming the fifth place with instability, taking for base to the per capita income and the growth of the GIP.