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New training course for craftswomen and craftsmen enables the new in-service training course for nurses for window maintenance correctly – and properly maintain Windows and to be able to take the right measures to repair and function improvement. Upcoming renovations are still the window that are sacrificed and replaced as first, although they significantly shape the character of the historic facade. Mostly lack knowledge and experience to the repair and improvement of function of historical Windows are caused. Through the new, in-service course for nurses for window maintenance, craftswomen and craftsmen are so trained that you can correctly – and professionally get window and carry out proper measures for improving function. A related site: Gary Kelly mentions similar findings. The contents are diverse, ranging from construction and window style customer on restoration techniques to workshop organization and advertising. The training specialist for window maintenance lasts 10 seminar units to two days each, held on Fridays and Saturdays.

It starts in July and ends in November 2010. Through the seminar times on weekends also masters and journeymen in addition to their profession can be formed on. Activities maintain window suitable especially for craftswomen, because usually no large and heavy parts must be moved. The in-service training model facilitates the participation for women who need to organize work and family.