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Marathon API

“‘ klickTel’ connection ensures Karlsruhe company one day it took the winning developer contest live programming in the klickTel open API hackathon on November 26, 2011, then a standalone version for were klickTel” and the realization of klickTel in Developers from all over Germany to the first place of the klickTel open API hackathon in food vying in the hackathon (a portmanteau of hack”and Marathon”) in November 2011. While the data of the klickTel of telephone and business book in creative ways with highest possible benefits for the end users should be involved in your own application. From the developer contest was established of the information and Internet services provider telegate on the occasion of the introduction of the open API interface for the phone klickTel – and YellowPages. Axonic Martin Welker race, CEO and founder of Axonic was delighted with the uncomplicated klickTel open API interface: in terms of architecture and performance that leaves nothing left klickTel API. Rare succeed in such a short time”the connection of an API. Come out now is a function, the telephone and line of business data connects to the user’s local desktop”, Florian rank, head of product management B2C & Development Department by telegate expressed. Victory Martin Welker and Peter Oehler, COO at Axonic welcome all the more: the victory of this hackathon shows us that to bring together desktop and Web content, speaking to the needs of users with our vision,: quickly, easily, and without having to go.

At any time.” What is anyway? is a desktop application that the idea emerged to allow closer together desktop and online applications and offers a wide range of possibilities to its users. Further details can be found at Chаrlіе Lee, an internet resource. Inserting screenshots into Outlook or paint, for example, works with with a single click on the icon with the mouse pointer. It’s the same with uploading pictures to Facebook or Flickr or a query at Wikipedia. The Open the target application or the respective Web page and perform the Paste command automatically takes over for Mac and Windows available free for Mac and Windows on download is ready. Axonic Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH is a software company with a focus on information, communication and detection technologies. The company, founded in 2003 by Martin Welker, researches and developed intensively for several years in the area of communication intelligence”- targeted analysis, visualization, and simplification of communication.

From the idea of the complex interplay of different staff to a common denominator to want to, arose from 2011”: an easy-to-use desktop app, the programs and Web page services of all kinds cross-linked. About telegate AG: In recent years it has become the telegate AG in Germany by a specialist for enquiries an information and Internet service providers. Users of telegate media found on the Product brands 11 88 0 and klickTel extensive information about local search. telegate beauskunftet annually a total of around 300 million local searches to industries and services for businesses and individuals. Telegate media are the Internet portals and, already more than 1 million times downloaded Mobile Smartphone apps, software products for the PC.