The ships of owned and operated by Eagle ships are a POS system for restaurants, shops, and tickets on Sylt, the Kiel Canal, in Wismar, on North Beach and Usedom after Poland on the road. So that the guests experience a good ride, the excursion boats offer comfortable surroundings and friendly in-flight service with restaurant and shopping options. Since March, 2011 it is full speed Eagle ships ahead for the POS software The solution is used in the catering industry as well as in the onboard shops and ticket sales. The POS terminal is with peripherals such as customer display, receipt printer, bar code scanner and partial waiter lock. As some ships go to Poland, Polish fiscal printers are also used. All funds are online connected to a central server via UMTS. So, the ships at the pier, as well as at sea can transfer their data in the network of Eagle ships.
The Central Server passes the data to the merchandise management and ensuring that goods at the right time be refilled if the ship at the pier. For a connection failure, continue the coffers in the offline mode and are thus readily available. The table is operated with handhelds running the TCPOS functionalities. Orders are sent quickly from the table in the kitchen and speed up the settlement. The handhelds are connected to the POS terminal via Wi-Fi. They have easy to use surfaces that have been preconfigured in the headquarters.
The ticket sale is on the same wavelength. So the passengers can buy their tickets from an employee with handheld. Via a Bluetooth printer that is attached to the belt of the employee, is printed the ticket immediately. On board our ships are planned down to the last detail”the processes, explains Tobias Lagmoller, sales manager at Eagle ships. A central system that is reliable and is working properly in heavy seas and large guest attendance is very important for us”, so Lagmoller next. The functionality of TCPOS in implementation of the requirements of our various applications supports our processes shop, catering and ticketing in an ideal way.”