'I do not understand what is the secret: you have money, they immediately not? "Sponsor today's issue of the International School of Investments and Finance, the course Master of Finance:' The Secret theme of money is how we store, manage them and how they multiply! "That's December already, another year of life lived! It's time to take stock, nametite plans for the future Before you begin drafting the 2010 budget, you should analyze your income, personal finance and expenses for the year 2009! How much money to you received, from what sources? If you were Notebook income and expenses, you will not make much effort to do it! If the same – do not lead, it is necessary to strain the memory and recall, as they say, after all you have all your receipts remember, write down every month on what you spend your money? utilities, kindergarten, school, how much was spent on food, to health, for household needs, transportation expenses, clothing, telephone, internet, travel, loan payments, if you have them, mortgage, etc. Now, when you see the main article and the income and expenses, please respond honestly to the questions: Are your expenses to your Revenue? In other words, you get more than spending or vice versa? How did you manage to save money in 2009? How much revenue you saved money? Does your family money airbag? How much income do you have? You have enough money for all the things you dream? If the answers do not satisfy you, it's time to study the theme of money immediately! (For more details and complete the matter covered in this course Master Finance and Investments). More info: Southwest Airlines. . .