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Group Trajectory

The founders: Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch This chapter is divided by author Peter Burke in four subtemas that they look for to explain the trajectory of the group that caused a revolution in making of history bringing with this a new conceptualization of disciplines, as well as, the new search of what History is essential the problematizao, beyond methods and methodologies. The author speaks of the initial years of the career of the founders of the Annales, Febvre and Bloch, later he makes comments on the period that had passed in Estrasburgo, where if had found in 1920 starting a great partnership there, having during this period some thinkers whom they had helped to influence the two, as Blondel, Halbwachs among others, being, however its bigger influenciadores Franois Simiand and Vidal Of it Blache, where Bloch of the emphasis the sociology of Durkheim and Marcel Mauss and Febvre was interested for the construction of a geo-history, as well as for the collective attitudes calls historical psychology. Soon later he speaks of the creation of the Annales, what he occurred soon after the World War I, in 1929, where this brought names as Demageon (gegrafo), Maurice Halbwachs (sociologist), Charles Rist (economist), and a scientist politician Andres Siegried, showing with this the character to interdisciplinar of the project. After that it speaks of the institutionalization of the Annales although the dispersion of the group of Estrasburgo. What we detach of this I capitulate is that Peter Burke if considers showing in them as the sprouting of the group to History was important, therefore is with Bloch and Febvre, these two historians considers the elaboration of a history problem, that is, a history made through questionings, where only facts are not privileged politicians and diplomatists through the figure of the great men of the great national heroes living a history without conflicts and tensions, and yes, the men in its search to make daily, being these citizens and objects of history showing the existing permanncias, ruptures and tensions throughout the temporalities historical, enxergando as they construct it to these, where this new type of history requires a bigger interdisciplinaridade with the others disciplines social, beyond extending the notion of sources in the history, where everything that man produces, touches or thinks is historical source.