Italy was born in 1861. In the truth king Vittorio Emanuele II assumed in this date, more necessarily in 17 of March of this year. Thus the Kingdom of the Itlia.Sua was created unification is therefore commemorating 150 years. In way to much party, 40 heads of State had taken part in the festejos, that if gave in Rome. As alive test of the globalization, in this party they had participated to all the countries, each one of them sending at least a restaurant, that has as specialty Italian food. It enters all the celebrations of this anniversary, the majority of them it occurred in Rome and it counted on the presence of some authorities of diverse countries, between them Cristina Kirchner, Dmitri Medvedev, of Germany, Christian Wulff, of Israel, and the president of Russia, this to detach some of the main names. Hillary Clinton, also disclosed itself, on behalf of president Obama. As crucial point, the height of the commemoration was marked by a military parade, which if gave in Rome, in imperial its fruns.
Very interesting to stand out, that to the restaurants they had entered in party for world. In Brazil, it had commemoration in several of them. The first one was the Bassi, in So Paulo, this specialized in meat. This was in 17 of March. However, after this date, several other restaurants had also taken part in the party. Many in the interior of the state, as it is the case of the establishment Laura and Francesco, that is next the city to Valinhos.
This beyond having had the presence of many people of name, also offered to its guests all special menu, with the delicious iguarias of Italy. As entrance, only vocs to have an idea, a called plate Bruschette Tricolori was served, and the main plate, was the imperdvel Bucatini all' Amatriciana, also known for Penne all' Arrabbiata. Well, if you as I am one loving of the Italian kitchen, must be with water in the mouth. Yes, with certainty it was a very flavorful lunch, with a dessert, worthy of deuses. The delight was the Tiramis. As vocs they must have perceived the anniversary was celebrated in great style, as it really deserves aniversariante. It knows more on ticket of train in Italy.