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Eligible Players

Eligible players All eligible players must be 19 years old in the calendar year which falls on the draft, and if they are “international” should be not less than one year since he graduated high school course . For the draft, are considered international players “who have resided outside the U.S. during the three years prior to the draft, those who have not enrolled in any U.S. university and who have not graduated in any American school. Players meeting these conditions may well be part of the draft by declaring “eligible” or automatically, without having to declare if they meet certain conditions. Those conditions have reached 4 years of university education, four years have passed since graduation from high school course or a player has played basketball with a professional contract in any other competition in the world.The players considered “international” are automatically included in the draft if they have completed 22 years or have played basketball with a professional contract in any other U.S. competition outside the NBA.