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Electronic XVIII

The young believes to have the control of the situation, since, for the afrouxamento of ' ' Name; ' , he is delegated the proper young to establish the borders. We can infer of this reflection that the decline of the paternal function is sufficiently contributing and perhaps determinative factor in the insertion of the young in the world of the drugs. To delegate to the young the establishment of the proper limits can mean to condemn it damages many irreversible times. The lack of limits can conduziz it the search of dangerous and ominous thresholds. To speak to the young without paternal referencial on the harmful effect of the drugs they can send it the search to it of these effect, front to a life where the castration does not function as propeller spring for the construction of the citizen. From there the difficulty in the recovery of drug addicts elapses.

To speak of the evil can be incuo when what it searchs it is the proper evil in a incontida pulso of death. To also speak of limits it will be able to have little success, a time that such limits had been on account of the proper dependent, who defined that the limit is the joy, being that this does not have limits, since the unconscious one wants to enjoy always and whatever the cost. Bibliographical references: FREUD, Sigmund.: Beyond the beginning of Pleasure, in Electronic XVIII.Edio Volume. Rio De Janeiro: Imago Publishing company, 1969-1980. ___________: Badly to be in the civilization, in: Electronic XXI.Edio volume. Rio De Janeiro: Imago Publishing company, 1969-1980. LACAN, Jacques.O seminary book 11: the four basic concepts of the psychoanalysis. Rio De Janeiro: Zahar, 1979. FENICHEL, Otto.Teoria Psicanaltica of the Neuroses. So Paulo: Atheneu, 2000.