In way in general one concludes that he has a precarizao in the formation of the psychologist and also the choice of the subjects enters that they will be repassed, in way that, does not have a detailed study of what would have to be integrant part of the curricular grating for the formation of future psychologists, as well as on the way to teach and which the best instruments or techniques to be used in this academic process. As result of this deficient scene, we form professionals who make bad use of the psychological tests and that had to this inadequate formation they are also not stimulated to search on the existing instruments already and nor in creating new, therefore truily do not know on the technique (DEFICIENCIES., 2005) METHODOLOGY Had been part of this exploratria-descriptive research, that it used as procedure the field study, six people (APPENDIX It) with formation in Psychology, of the feminine sex, of etria band it enters the 23 44 years and it enters the 02 17 years of formation that act in the market of diverse organizations of nature: filantrpica, urban transport, consultorias of Human resources and that they have in Conscription Election of Staff its activity end. The chosen population was based on just-formed professionals and a little more experienced in order to become a comparative degree between the generations, as well as in relation to the etria band. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ripple. A questionnaire (APNDICE-B) closed of 19 questions was directed way email having been authorizeing its use for research ends. After that, these data had been organized in six categories: the formation of the psychologist, the use of the psychological tests, the knowledge of the psychologists on the instrument, the more critical importance of the technique, its aspects and on the credibility and the professional ethics. RESULTS AND QUARRELS In accordance with the objective of the work, was looked to ahead investigate which the utility and importance of the psychological tests in the election of staff of the use of as much other instruments and techniques, as well as of that it forms and with that quality the tests are being used for the psychologists in the organizacional context.