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Complementary Feeding

In a survey, the parent portal NetMoms has interviewed over 2,000 mothers on the topics of breastfeeding and complementary feeding. With interesting findings. In a survey, the parent portal NetMoms has interviewed over 2,000 mothers on the topics of breastfeeding and complementary feeding. With interesting findings. The study and more information around the topic of nutrition of children can be found now in the NetMoms special nutrition. How long should I breastfeed? Others use what silent tools? When should I start with foods? How did other mothers experience the time? Find answers to these and more questions mothers in the new NetMoms special nutrition. For this purpose, NetMoms interviewed over 2,000 mothers in a large survey.

Cologne, May 13, 2009 – serious differences between different age groups: amazing shows the study relating to breastfeeding. Contrary to the recommendations of the WHO, at least 6 months exclusively to breastfeed his baby, usually after quite a short time, German mothers switch to bottle-feeding. Only 52% of mothers breastfeed longer than 3 months and only 30% longer than 6 months. The differences are even more pronounced if you differentiated according to age of mothers. So young mothers under the age of 30 breastfeed more often clearly shorter than mothers over 30 years.

Only 46% of young mothers breastfeed longer than 3 months and 24% longer than 6 months. Older mothers, however, breast-feeding to 43% longer than 6 months. Even the mother is! The study in the field of baby food comes to this conclusion. Over 70% of the mothers cook at least partially itself baby food. If they don’t Cook the brands Hipp and Bebivita be bought for baby food total frequently. Milk food shows a preference for Milupa Milumil and Hipp. Special diet: A large part of the discussions on NetMoms revolve around the theme of food. NetMoms offers valuable tips to make it happen with the breastfeeding. In addition the visitor will find everything around foods and a complete nutrition plan for babies first year. With more than 30 recipes for simple to fancy baby paps and more 30 recipes for children aged one year, is also the chef-enthusiastic mothers something. Contact information: NetMoms GmbH ruler belt 57 67 50969 Cologne contact person: Dr. Tanja zu Waldeck management phone: + 49 (0) 221 – 17 04 98 21 Web: