Teacher, in what you meditate? In which he is beyond the thought How you are able to meditate on what it is beyond the thought? Not meditating What is the Zen? Several definitions can be tried, but all of them would be useless. We can more easily say what it is not. A religion or a theory is not. Any dogma or philosophy is not based on. The essence of the Zen is not in any school, teacher or writing although she is sagrada. It allows the direct knowledge of one same one over values, nations and races.
The Zen is a buddhism form that in China was developed with the name of Chan and Japan it became one of the most important currents at spiritual but social and also artistic level. Their principles were applied to all the facets of the man. The word zen is a contraction of " zenno" , that corresponds to which in China Chan was denominated and in India Dhyana. In the three cases it can be translated like " meditacin". Traditionally its origin goes back to the same Buddha who in the call sermon of the tip of the Crow, instead of to go to his listeners with words remained in silence, doing solely the gesture to show a flower. One of its disciples, Kashyapa demonstrating that it had included/understood this education of silence, smiled and then it reached the understanding. Although some is no document proves that it, thinks that the Buddha transmitted education zen to Kashyapa, that they followed numerous patriarchs Indian, until arriving at Bodhidharma. The principles of the buddhism zen arrived at China of the hand of the Bodhidharma monk, direct spiritual descendant of the disciple of Buddha Mahakashyapa, around year 520. In agreement with the Bodhidharma tradition he was the founder of the Chan in China in the century I SAW d.C.