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Treasure House

To who God to touch, either institution, either people that it needs, either that master, goes and gives in House of God, its tenths and offers courts of appeals, exactly that you find that for you are not possible, therefore the more you of a God, plus you she trusts it and more blessed you are! ' ' You bring all the tenths to the house of the treasure, so that it has grocery in my house, and later you make test of me in this, says you of the Armies, if I not to open you the windows of the sky, and not to spill on you a blessing such until it does not have enough place for recolherdes.' ' Malaquias 3:10 It brings all its tenths to the House of God, also call of House of the Treasure, therefore it is the locality where God inhabits. Its tenths are so that the pregao of the Evangelho continues and to guarantee that the House of Gods continues functioning, that is, so that all the ones who search aid can get. After this, God guarantees that: – I can make test of it: he makes experience, he searchs the demonstration, the signal of God. Until other they go to perceive that you are successful in God. – God opens the windows of skies: you receive good that nor imagined that it was possible! – God spills blessings on its life: to these still leaves it blessings more supplied, most supplied, materially and also the area spiritual, therefore it still more deepens its confidence in the Creator! – God reprehends the devorador: the annihilator that makes with that you only have financial damages, that you consummate in accordance with what has, that you usufruct of the fruits of its work. God blocks all the impossibilities that the malignant one wants to place in its way! On behalf of Jesus. Mnica Gazzarrini ' ' Jesus Christ is you ' '