This implies that decentralization or devolution, is the mode of operation suggested. And this operational decentralization or devolution does not necessarily imply that for certain activities may be unity of conception or criterion. We have seen in recent years, the existence of policy criteria for the sector or stretch before us, too influenced by criteria coined in earlier stages. This should not surprise us, attentive to the sedimentation that occurs in development of every culture. What happens is that a thing is the ingredient or practices incorporated in the flow are vital and other policy criteria, which may show mismatches. In other words, is often heard and read opinions about sports policy.
And this is linked to the work of public authorities on the subject. But in Argentina, from December 1983, there remains a Republican and representative system, with federal autonomies (provincial), municipal and university. This implies that the current sports policy would be the result of the business of the National government, the work of the 23 provinces and the autonomous city of Buenos Aires, the work of the approximately 1700 municipalities and the task, specific means, of the approximately 37 national universities. No need to mention that the specific task of the various structures of the Executive Branch, and weak evidence at least coordination, I can one infer that when it comes to sports policy, it is actually referred to this resulting jurisdictional. Without prejudice to imagine how complex it is for some sort of inter-institutional coordination, yet the action on the daily life of leisure. .