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Rio De Janeiro

However, from 1647, during the prelature of the Priest Antonio Martins Loureiro, the Cross of Christ was raised in the town appeared in the locality that then took the name of Is Joo Baptist of Trairaponga (today in the place it meets Church Terezinha Saint, located in the Lafaiete Park, in the city of Duke of Caxias that up to 1943 called Meriti). The small chapel served as headquarters of the matrix up to 1660. With the time, the building was gone to ruin. Therefore, the social and religious nucleus moved to the port zone of the river Miriti where it was built in 1708 new Chapel, dedicated Ours Lady of the Conceio, for Joo Ximenes Leather strap, probably today in lands where this points out the Pavuna. In 1747, to the edges of the river Miriti, its denomination for Clientele was constructed to new Church getting excited of Is Joo Baptist of Miriti.

It corresponded this time the golden period of the colony, Brazil lived the cycle of the gold in the region of the generalities in Mines (of 1741 the 1760 production of the gold reached the 14,600 kilos). The wealth of the northeast sugar had entered in decay and the economic axle had moved for the south region, whose capital started to be the city of Rio De Janeiro. There it had beginning a time of accented prosperity, serving it small population of the port zone of the Pavuna, for where it drained the product of the farming (beans, rice, cassava, maize and sugar cane-of-sugar). Nine small devices produced maize and cassava flour. Between 1769 and 1779 these devices and two engenhocas produced 800 flour bags, 140 of beans and 390 of rice. However this region was not isolated of the national context, quite to the contrary, the lowered one turned obligator ticket to arrive the mineradoras regions for the New Way and Road of the Proena until the Port of the Star in the river Inhomirim, in century XVIII.