The existence and the permanence of the family on the face of the land if must exclusively the God. Noah said you: You and all enter in the coffer, your family ‘ ‘ (Gn 7:1) 3. Family who cultua joined God remains joined in the adversities of the life. The family of Noah remained joined during the dilvio; The family of Jose (Egypt) if joined during the period of hunger; The family of Abrao if showed joined ahead of a challenging situation; The family of Jose (Maria) if joined when she came across herself with a danger situation.
a espiritualidade that involves a sincere and open communication between the familiar members. The communication is the key of any successful relationship. (Pv 18.21; Tg 1,19) Healthful and functional families construct open lines of communication and without noises where the subjects that say relative to the first home if colloquy in family, later if colloquy with the others. FINAL CONSIDERAES Jaime Kemp defend that ‘ ‘ a gostosa, relaxed family, spiritual healthful and balanced 7 where the people if give well, if respect, do not exist by chance. It is always fruit of work, investment of time, attention and cuidado’ ‘. To think the familiar family and its relations consists in one of the biggest challenges of the present time. I consider questionings, I raise hypotheses and I point ‘ ‘ caminhos’ ‘ in the effort to contribute for the formation and the development of families, human beings and of a society more solidary human being, fraterna and stop with all in the construction of a better world. I finish this work with a phrase of Madre Tereza de Calcut That says: ‘ ‘ I know that my work is a drop in the ocean, but without it the ocean would be menor’ ‘.
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