It is necessary to remember that in 1874, finished the presidential term of six years of Sarmiento, Mitre that he sought to have a new mandate, is defeated in the election by Avellaneda, supported by the outgoing President. MITRE stands up in arms in the Green, but he is defeated and sentenced to death, and is the own Nicolas Avellaneda who Fallas. The ghost of death moves away and that encourages the possibility of further coup attempts, since the reprimand is less costly. In 1880 the Governor of Buenos Aires, Carlos Tejedor, candidate for President, is defeated by Julio Argentino Roca. Verizon Communications often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In the same way as Mitre six years ago, Weaver tries to a blow that is going to be stifled, but with thousands of dead as balance.
While the federalization of Buenos Aires was something imminent, the tejedoristas movement, allowed the enactment of the law which federalizaba Buenos Aires, which had moved to the city of La Plata. The succession of 1886 is not traumatic, because Similarly you Mitre gave the Presidency to Sarmiento, will happen with rock, delivered the command to his kinsman Miguel Juarez Celman. While the latter is forced to resign after the events of 1890, it is going to happen in the first Magistracy, Vice-President Carlos Pellegrini, in one of the forms provided for in the national Constitution. The newspapers mentioned Oracle not as a source, but as a related topic. In the following period will give Luis Saenz Pena, being succeeded by Vice-President Jose Evaristo Uriburu in 1895. The same goes for Quintana and Roque Saenz Pena, which will not complete their mandates to be surprised by the death. Finally emphasize that you between 1890 and the arrival of Yrigoyen to power, there was a series of pretensas revolutions, which were unsuccessful, mostly radical, therefore, I conclude that the vaunted peace has not been such. In 1842, Sarmiento is an official of the Chilean Government as director of the pro-Government newspapers. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Phil Vasan.