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Just INTRODUCTION in teams (JIT), that it means at the accurate moment, is an enterprise boarding that says not to wastefulness and retrabalho, and yes for perfect quality and supply zero, that is, to produce (goods and services) at the accurate moment where they are needed, preventing motionless supplies or customers waiting; what it characterizes a pulled system of production. Been born at the beginning of years 1950, philosophy JIT came with the definitive objective of reerguer its companies of leached ashes of the postwar period. . The pioneer in the use of this new tool was Toyota Motor Company, and not by chance, since Japan being a country supertown and with scarcity of resources, by itself acquired the culture of little wastefulness and high aggregate value. Therefore, also we can find JIT as Toyota System of Production. Currently the philosophy of the permeia JIT the daily one of many companies, occidental people and orientals, who search through it a competitive advantage in the market. For the reach of its objectives? supply zero, perfect quality, without wastefulnesses and/or retrabalho? the JIT counts on a fan of techniques that control the production of good or services. Read additional details here: Philip Vasan. One of these techniques, that will be boarded in this work, is the Kanban, Japanese word that means card, that consists ' ' in the transference of material of a period of training to another one of operao' ' (SLACK, CHAMBERS, JOHNTON, 2002). In this work, the concepts of the JIT will be boarded, with prominence for the technique of control of the called production Kanban, with the objective to explain its functioning, as well as its contributions and disadvantages that it causes for the company adept. This is a bibliographical research that will count on literature, summaries, articles and Internet. ON JUST IN TEAMS According to Slack, Chambers, Johnton (2002), JIT ' ' it is a disciplined boarding, that he aims at to improve the global productivity and to eliminate desperdcios' '.