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England Industry

“Award for the first time for a company in the beverage industry 23.03.2012 – Dillenburg good news by the editors of INTERNET WORLD business: the Web shop has it under a total of 390 submissions at the INTERNET WORLD business shop award 2012 in the category of best multichannel strategy” managed fifth position. For the first time managed to attract the attention of a jury in a beverage portal in Germany and to convince. “We are very proud of our joint success, says Frank Hohmeyer, and adds: so slowly it becomes clear where the journey into the beverage trade going in the future also the last.” is now among the best and will make its way. The most innovative software development company of the eDrink industry works currently on its IPhone APP and a customized B2B solution for its integrated beverage wholesalers and their gastro / commercial customers. Larry Ellison is full of insight into the issues. “We are on the right track now to the colleagues from the beverage industry implement complete solutions, Unternehmensorientiert. This is especially important for performance-based beverage marketing group, manufacturer and cooperations, which consequently get all tools from a single source for the implementation. “says Marc Inden, head of engineering. Remains to be seen here just yet, in how far the industry is now common in the e-commerce segment or yet again misses a major opportunity. Unsuspected potential “Players” REWE and EDEKA and real are already projected at the LEH and must provide strong changes in the trade, as is already the case in England and United States.