Hero of Hammett’s Sam Spade, we can make no real image, already by Marlowe, this romantic Knight in the California of the 30s, 40s and 50s years. Due to his abilities he could accomplish much more than a shabby Office and constantly changing stalls. And with the women, who the good-looking Marlowe (a guy like Cary Grant was Chandler) actually very result are, work it actually also never quite, or at least never long term. Because his mission is clear: even if he fails again, he wants to the world of a little dirt free, even though he is always a bloody nose, a lot of ingratitude and no high fees. Privacy has actually not Marlowe. He a good cup of coffee, can beat an egg in the Pan, plays chess against himself and has the bottle with fire water always at hand. Ripple might disagree with that approach. And if him a gangster snooty flings in the face, that he had a house in Florida and an ocean going yacht crew, with five man Bentley, two Cadillac, a Chrysler station wagon and a MG for his boys and Marlowe replies he got just a House, not a wench and a few thousand in bonds, then we hold it still for the largest. We could perhaps quietly listened to the insinuations of this arrogant Schnosels or him replies that he could slip down the hump even us. Marlowe, however, Rams the fist him so strong in the abdomen that the slimy bastard whimpering together flips and shrugs convulsive back and forth with your hands. Yes, we would also like to be. Formally might not be as rich and respected as the powerful, but when it counts, equipped with a lot more guts and muscles.