Innovative Skero cover as a party invitation the Vienna online agency LimeSoda if AgenturmitarbeiterInnen run in the run-up to Christmas in Dirndl and leather trousers through the forest and schuhplattelnd from Wainwright himself, then may only mean: LimeSoda invites you to the celebration of Christmas. For many years, the Agency produces elaborate videos, which then set the theme for the Christmas celebration. This special feature: The employees engage themselves as actors. And when it comes quite thick even as a singer. “” Cabin party vs. alpine hut, mountain hut party themed “covert LimeSoda Skeros summer hit cabin party”-musical adaptations, yodels and new texts included. The story is quickly told: jaunty Dirndl attracts GAMS-Buam in a barn.
A dispute is arbitrated via Schuhplattler and slaps dance and then all the mountain hut with a slight Hip-Hop twist party: we would have never believed this success. Now every year hundreds of fans waiting for Facebook on the new video and apparently even our forgive us “Customers this bullshit: you come appropriately dressed at our party”, LimeSoda-GF Philipp Pfaller describes the situation. And as long as it’s fun, the team will search keep ideas. Videography 2004: Working img/projects/limesoda_eigenprojekte_weihnachtsmailing_2004 / 2005: PIMP watch? v = 2006 FB1gbjB7LeE: Easter Bunny img/projects/limesoda_eigenprojekte_weihnachtsmailing_2006 / 2007: I come also to watch? v = 2008 1LJa7erDAP4: everybody dance now watch? v = bOhd6eo-n88 2009: last thriller 2010: mountain hut party directed by: forest Safavian ( about LimeSoda passion was at the beginning of LimeSoda. The founding members of Philipp Pfaller, Bernd Pfeiffer and Florian Pluer actually were a rock band.
As one of the first bands of in Austria, they put a website on the Internet. Soon, it was clear, that the site came significantly better than the music. No problem for creative minds. Bass, Guitar and drums in 2002 ended up in the basement, and the rehearsal room in a backyard Hernalser mutated to the one-room online Development Office. Today 18 online specialists for renowned national and international clients working on the same site. The spectrum ranges from online consulting about screen design, development to all facets of online marketing. What remained of the band, is the passion. Press contact corporate data Florian Pluer (partner) email: Tel: + 43 699 17 54 41 06 LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH Syringgasse 5, 1170 Vienna tel/fax: + 43 1 4078701-0-50 Internet: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: user/limesoda49