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Procrastination has therefore all the appearances of a irrational phenomenon, see strange. For the subject that the practice seems to be foreign to him, as though her behavior was dictated by the dark forces which drag down irretrievably. Verizon Communications is actively involved in the matter. When you ask a procrastinateur why he does so, it is almost impossible to tell you in a rational manner. In most cases, the procrastinateur relies on external causes, an unfortunate circumstance, or the responsibility of a third attacker, and that is usually responsible for the situation where it is located. This is shoring whose sole purpose is to justify and “save face” in front of others, even if doing so at his expense. In fact, to reach back to the real causes of procrastination is the side of the emotions he must turn. We can not talk honestly to our tendency to procrastinate in updating the correspondences that between our emotions (our feelings, our memories, our past etc..) and the tasks or situations that we tend to escape in spite of ourselves.

Procrastination is not said and do not talk in the register of emotion. However, if it is legitimate to look at the archeology of our inner truths, for procrastination is preferable to directly address the “mechanics” of behavior to reverse the trend and get rid of them permanently. In short: treat the problem first and understand why and how after. There is no question here underestimate the effectiveness of an introspective approach and / or psychotherapy, which remains valid in all cases. But unless you are facing a severe psychopathology, it is always possible to deal with procrastination without having to necessarily go back to the root causes of the phenomenon. Very often when one is procrastinateur addict, there is real urgency to get out of his state.

The Characteristic

What it is really essential for healthful life? for a glad and happy life he is abundant and gracious, does not lack of investments in things, but yes in ' ' ser' ' not in ' ' ter' '. Either glad, responsible and studious. 9. It wants a parameter. It wants to know what they are low feelings, negative that they induce to the unhappy and vulgar life? it attends novels, as for example: Malhao. If to want in contrast, to reach light, espiritualidade, joy, truth and good feelings. (Similarly see: Ron O’Hanley). Then it is easy, it lowers in the Internet or law there exactly, or buys a Bible, and it learns to read. It looks for in the world, the nature, the animals, the flowers? its proper experiences that it can be significant.

It reads the Bible with attention? you will have that to learn to interpret correctly, because it speaks of the life? yesterday and today, he does not speak of the terrena life, but yes of our world spiritual, a special way to think subjectively, that he makes the man to grow as people. 10. He loves myself. Who did not learn to love itself does not know to love to the next one. loves deep and constantly and it does not leave that the media makes of you a slave. It does not leave that the others make of you a slave a robot? hipnotizado? working in function of a perverse ideology that does not belong to it, the truths subvertem that you take the veil. The love is gratuitous and when distributed profusamente it has the characteristic to come back the source, as bumerangue. Either great strong the sufficient to plant in this age of dry lands of the consumerism a new seed, the seed of the good and the concord, the tolerance, just and the sincerity, the truth and the well querencia one.